LOA Daily – 01.05.18

Dealing With Extreme Weather Events With a snowstorm blanketing the eastern seaboard of the United States today, we thought it would be a good opportunity to talk about how people often allow things like the weather to dampen their moods and how to survive weather events with a more positive frame of mind.   Download this episode (right click and …

The Conspiracy Guy – 04.19.17

: A new book, SHATTERED, reports reasons why the Clinton campaign failed to resonate with the public. TV media reports on Trump’s first 100 days have been 89% negative, but have taken a stunning reversal making him a neocon idol for his cruise missile attack on Syrian and saber-rattling with North Korea. The Saker provides a searching evaluation of the alleged …

The Latest: Mexico seeks to push ahead on TPP without US

LIMA, Peru — The latest on the summit of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (all times local): 5:45 p.m. Mexico isn’t throwing in the towel on free trade despite Donald Trump’s threats to break up NAFTA and abandon other multilateral trade deals. Mexican Finance Minister Idelfonso Fajardo said Friday that he met with officials from five other signatories to the …

Todd E. Pierce – How ‘Think Tanks’ Generate Endless War

The New York Times took notice recently of the role that so-called “think tanks” play in corrupting U.S. government policy. Their review of think tanks “identified dozens of examples of scholars conducting research at think tanks while corporations were paying them to help shape government policy.” Unfortunately, and perhaps predictably, while the Times investigation demonstrates well that the U.S. is …

Andrew Cockburn – The Pentagon’s Real $trategy

These days, lamenting the apparently aimless character of Washington’s military operations in the Greater Middle East has become conventional wisdom among administration critics of every sort. Senator John McCain thunders that “this president has no strategy to successfully reverse the tide of slaughter and mayhem” in that region. Anthony Cordesman of the Center for Strategic and International Studiesbemoans the “lack of a viable …

Mike Lofgren – How Washington’s New Rich Live

In 1927, H.L. Mencken rode by train through the Pennsylvania coal country. The houses he saw along the way were so hideous, at least in his eyes, that he was moved to pen his famous essay, “The Libido for the Ugly.” Mencken was writing about towns inhabited by coal miners and railroad brakemen, but what would he say if he …

The Gary Null Show – 09.15.15

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is one of today’s most progressive political and economic writers and commentators on the state of the nation: governmental dysfunction, political corruption, global and domestic economic threats, the war on terror, Wall Street, and the decline in human values in American society. He was the chairman of the Institute for Political Economy and a former Assistant Secretary of Treasury during Reagan’s first term. During his academic career he has taught at many universities and held the William Simon Chair in Political Economy at the Center for Strategic and International Studies at Georgetown University. Dr. Roberts’ blog can be found at PaulCraigRoberts.org; he has published many books and articles during the past 40 years, his latest being “How America Was Lost: From 911 to the Police/Warfare State”

Gerald Celente is one of today’s pioneers in trend strategy. He founded the Trends Research Institute in Kingston NY and is the publisher of the Trends Journal that has been published since 1980. He has since become one of the nation’s most sought after diagnosticians and forecasters He is also the founder of Trends TV, which provides monthly videos and analysis of current events and their likely direction and outcome. His institute hosts frequent peace, prosperity and trends conferences. This weekend on Friday and Saturday, the Institute will convene a Peace and Prosperity Conference in the historic town of Kingston along the Hudson. On Sunday there will be a rally for the launch of the Occupy Peace movement. Participants include Gerald, Ralph Nader, Buddhist scholar Robert Thurman, Cindy Sheehan and myself.

Conference details and more information can be found on the websites TrendsResearch.com and OccupyPeace.us

Progressive Commentary Hour – 08.18.15

Guest #1 – Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is one of today’s most progressive political and economic writers and commentators on the state of the nation: governmental dysfunction, political corruption, global and domestic economic threats, the war on terror, Wall Street, and the decline in human values in American society. He was the chairman of the Institute for Political Economy and a former Assistant Secretary of Treasury during Reagan’s first term. During his academic career he has taught at many universities and held the William Simon Chair in Political Economy at the Center for Strategic and International Studies at Georgetown University.

Dr. Roberts’ blog can be found at PaulCraigRoberts.org and he is a frequent contributor to Global Research, The Trends Journal, Counterpunch, and others. He was an associate editor at the Wall Street Journal and has published many books and articles during the past 40 years, his latest being “How America Was Lost: From 911 to the Police/Warfare State”

Guest #2 – Kermit Heartsong is an empirical scientist, political author and the creator of several award wining word games. For the past 25 years, Kermit has investigated the macroscopic developments of social, economic and political systems to identify disturbing trends in both the US and around the globe. He is currently the managing editor of Tayen Lane Publishing in San Francisco. He has appeared on CNN International and many radio stations and has been featured in a variety of magazines and publications. Kermit is the author of several books on America’s dystopia and illusions and recently published “Ukraine: Zbig’s Grand Chessboard and How the West was Checkmated.” His website is TayneLane.com