Expat Files – 07.24.16

Descriptions for THE ExPat Files Show #579

#1 Did you know experts claim the first (or second) most beautiful lake in the world is in Central America? However, only about 1 in 10000 Americans have ever even seen or heard of it. Today we’ll go there and check it out..

#2- No OSHA’s or EPA’s exist in Latin America. Though Latin Governments have lazy, blundering, useless staffs that may give lip service to those first world concepts, in reality they are beyond toothless. In many ways that can be a good thing. But then what happens when Gringos and Expats spot obvious health and safety violations up front and personal? Today we have another true story that will make you both laugh and cringe.

#3- Indigenous people are 99% Christian but they practice it with a strange twist. Today we’ll visit the drinking, smoking, gambling, womanizing bad boy saint, Maximon. He’s the undisputed patron of misdeeds, bad habits and poor lifestyle choices… and you’ll soon find out why.
#4-A few words about Air BnB’s in Latin America and the future of the hospitality business

#5-Consult with Johnny- Schedule a cell or Skype call: Set up a time to talk and I’ll help you sort out your own specific Latin American “PLAN- B”. Just write “CONSULT” in the subject line with a short list of questions/talking points to: theexpatfiles@gmail.com

#6- Johnny’s next “Latin Insider, Plan ‘B’ Seminar” will be in early January, 2017 . If you want to get on the Earlybird Discount list send an email to theexpatfiles@gmail.com

Expat Files – 07.01.16

Descriptions for THE EXPAT FILES SHOW #574

#1-Things I can’t stand about Latin America- Part One:
We have story about a trip to a Latin horse farm / natural preserve where we confront many of the things I can’t stand about Latin America. There are some of the real Latin touches you just gotta love too.

#2-All countries can be rated on a personal 1 to 10 scale:
Amerika for me comes in at around a 3 and slipping daily while my favorite Latin countries come in at around 7 to 8. Why? Mostly because taxes are ridiculously low, people are extra friendly, cost of living is very low, Big Brother’s often non-existent and you really do have the kinds of freedoms that existed in Cleveland way back in the 60’s. Could you ask for anything more?

#3-More on the Mating, Dating, Love and Romance scene in Latin America: Today we have a 50 year old Gringo Expat chiming in on his 10 years of mating and dating in both Colombia and Brazil. From his romantic accounts in those two countries, things aren’t looking up. He says Gringos are invading and the general results are not good, however he provides some very good tips for clueless gringos.

#4-Consult with Johnny- Schedule a cell or Skype call: Set up a time to talk and sort out your own specific Latin American “PLAN- B”. Just write “CONSULT” in the subject line with a short list of questions/talking points to: theexpatfiles@gmail.com

#5- Visit me Johnny (and expat super blogger John Galt) at www.TheNewExpat.com where you get real “boots on the ground” info, experienced expat blogs and terrific one-of-kind reports.


Held in and around Guatemala, Central America- “off the Gringo tourist trail”, Saturday July 9th thru Thursday July 14th. Click the link on top of the www.TheNewExpat.com main-page or email: theexpatfiles@gmail.com.

Expat Files – 06.26.16

Descriptions for The ExPat Files Show #573

#1- Latins tend to mix English and Metric weights and measures with no apparent rhyme or reason. It seems crazy to us. Today we have some common but weird examples of how new Expats can easily get frustrated and confused. Bottom line, you should bone up on kilometers, meters, kilos, liters and centimeters before coming down

#2– Just when you thought Bitcoin was dead.. its back again with a vengeance as Mexico becomes the first country to roll out a phone app that lets you buy and sell Bitcoin in grocery stores and make store-wide purchases.

#3- Machetes 101: Today we discuss Machetes as fashion statements, Machete Zen, Machete etiquette and the mystique of the female Machete user

#4- Chef schools, Culinary classes and courses are the latest hobby/fad among upscale Latin American ladies of leisure and their entitled kids. Seems every nice shopping all has one or two small but well-equipped culinary schools. However there’s a big turnover and most places don’t last a year

#5-Consult with Johnny- Schedule a cell or Skype call: Set up a time to talk and sort out your own specific Latin American “PLAN- B”. Just write “CONSULT” in the subject line with a short list of questions/talking points to: theexpatfiles@gmail.com

#6- Visit me Johnny(and expat super blogger John Galt) at www.TheNewExpat.com where you get real “boots on the ground” info, experienced expat blogs and terrific one-of-kind reports.

Held in and around Guatemala, Central America- “off the Gringo tourist trail”, Saturday July 9th thru Thursday July 14th. Click the link on top of the www.TheNewExpat.com main-page or email: theexpatfiles@gmail.com or, or click on the link below (or paste it in your browser)

Expat Files – 06.24.16

Descriptions for THE EXPAT FILES SHOW #572

#1- In Latin America you should not only be on the lookout for counterfeit dough, but be on the lookout for counterfeit concert tickets too! Today we have another true boots-on-the-ground story this time regarding fake “Judas Priest” tickets in Colombia. BTW: most all of the big first-world acts swing through big cities in Latin America these days even many moldy dinosaurs of rock like Arrowsmith, Metallica, America and Jethro Tull

#2–Latin America is the land of excessive kissing, hugging… not to mention diminished personal space. It can put you off, or be great fun. In either case, get used to it!

#3-How to get motivated Latins (who are forever on “manana time”) to value time and scheduling the way we gringos do (kinda).

#4-More solid proof of why Belize can be a nice place to visit but you wouldn’t want to live there… not permanently anyway(unless you are young, stupid and invincible)

#5- A personal walk-through and first hand report on how to authenticate your necessary FBI police or Sheriffs report at a local Latin Consulate / Embassy in the USA. Remember, you must have these reports certified and authenticated to obtain your permanent or temporary residency in any Latin country

#6-Consult with Johnny- Schedule a cell or Skype call: Set up a time to talk and sort out your own specific Latin American “PLAN- B”. Just write “CONSULT” in the subject line with a short list of questions/talking points to: theexpatfiles@gmail.com

#7- Visit me Johnny (and expat super blogger John Galt) at www.TheNewExpat.com where you get real “boots on the ground” info, experienced expat blogs and terrific one-of-kind reports.

Held in and around Guatemala, Central America- “off the Gringo tourist trail”, Saturday July 9th thru Thursday July 14th. Click the link on top of the www.TheNewExpat.com main-page or email: theexpatfiles@gmail.com or, or click on the link below (or paste it in your browser)

Expat Files – 06.19.16

Descriptions for The ExPat Files Show #571

#1- Details on Panama’s new “Friendly Nations” residency program: Since 2014 Panama has designated fifty so-called “friendly” nations whose citizens now get a preferential fast-track to permanent residency. Sounds great but there are still many unforeseen hoops to jump through and a lot of red tape. BTW: what idiot still believes the US is a “friendly” nation?

#2–Tips on contracting maids and cleaning ladies:

Number one- you just don’t hire one, give her a mop and a bucket and let her get cracking. That can be a recipe for disaster.

#3-Tips on Gold/Silver purchases and metal shipping in Latin America:

Some Gringos and Expats think it’s difficult and nearly impossible to have a backup stash of precious metals in Latin America. Many also think the logistics of moving their metals from the states to the 3rd world insurmountable. Its simply not true…

#4-Metals storage vaults outside US are all the rage with people who consider themselves alternative thinkers. Today we have first hand stories regarding foreign country vault and safety deposit storage. Tales that just might scare you into burying your goods in your own back yard(still a good idea)

#5-Consult with Johnny- Schedule a cell or Skype call: Set up a time to talk and sort out your own specific Latin American “PLAN- B”. Just write “CONSULT” in the subject line with a short list of questions/talking points to: theexpatfiles@gmail.com

#6- Visit me Johnny(and expat super blogger John Galt) at www.TheNewExpat.com where you get real “boots on the ground” info, experienced expat blogs and terrific one-of-kind reports.


Held in and around Guatemala, Central America- “off the Gringo tourist trail”, Saturday July 9th thru Thursday July 14th. Click the link on top of the www.TheNewExpat.com main-page or email: theexpatfiles@gmail.com or, or click on the link below (or paste it in your browser)


Expat Files – 06.17.16

Descriptions for The ExPat Files Show – 06-17-2016

#1- Tricks, diversions and scams used by “cambio guys”… those ever present street-corner and land-border money changers in Latin America. How to get a fair deal if obliged to trade with them.

#2– How to get the best bank exchange rate when changing US dollar funny money to Latin funny money- and vice versa.

#3- How to avoid looking and acting like a clueless gringo at those famously chaotic and confusing land borders. Note, they’re bustling with people and street commerce, fertile ground for hustlers who love spotting out clueless gringos

#4- Counterfeit dough in Latin America: Massive amounts counterfeit bills are floating around Latin America. That’s why so many mom and pop shops have samples of counterfeit dough taped up at the check-out register…especially in the small towns out in boonies. When the music stops, you don’t want to be holding or passing any of that bad script. How can you tell if the Latin dough in you pocket is real or counterfeit? There are ways…

#5- Consult with Johnny- Schedule a cell or Skype call: Set up a time to talk and sort out your own specific Latin American “PLAN- B”. Just write “CONSULT” in the subject line with a short list of questions/talking points to: theexpatfiles@gmail.com

#6- Visit me Johnny(and expat super blogger John Galt) at www.TheNewExpat.com where you get real “boots on the ground” info, experienced expat blogs and terrific one-of-kind reports.


Held in and around Guatemala, Central America- “off the Gringo tourist trail”, Saturday July 9th thru Thursday July 14th. Click the link on top of the www.TheNewExpat.com main-page or email: theexpatfiles@gmail.com or, or click on the link below (or paste it in your browser)


Expat Files – 06.12.16

Description for THE ExPat Files Show – 06-12-2016

#1- More of the latest info on the Latin American residency process: People don’t realize that if you don’t have permanent or temporary residency in a particular Latin country and wish to remain, you must leave the place every 3 months and spend at least one 24 hour day out of that country before returning again. You must repeat that process indefinitely. There are some minor exceptions but the Bottom line is: you must start the residency process as soon as possible since it’s not getting any easier to obtain

#2– More late breaking info on offshore banking in Latin America. It’s become a tortured path. The USA has made it so. Expats living in Latin Countries definitely need to get accounts and will need help along the way

#3-No doubt about it, if you insist on eating street food (and tortillas) you will occasionally get a dose of Montezuma’s revenge. Yes, it will happen even if you eat (tortillas) at safe and sanitary upscale restaurants. Here are a few reasons why..

#4-Today we have another unusual story. This time its a comment about the living conditions of the lower middle-class and poor Latins who will most certainly be working in and around your house

#5-Consult with Johnny- Schedule a cell or Skype call: Set up a time to talk and sort out your own specific Latin American “PLAN- B”. Just write “CONSULT” in the subject line with a short list of questions/talking points to: theexpatfiles@gmail.com

#6- Visit me Johnny (and expat super blogger John Galt) at www.TheNewExpat.com where you get real “boots on the ground” info, experienced expat blogs and terrific one-of-kind reports.


Held in and around Guatemala, Central America- “off the Gringo tourist trail”, Saturday July 9th thru Thursday July 14th. Click the link on top of the www.TheNewExpat.com main-page or email: theexpatfiles@gmail.com or, or click on the link below (or paste it in your browser)


Expat Files – 06.10.16

#1- When Gringos apply for residency and/or citizenship/passport in their new Latin country- do they really need to be fluent in Spanish? Well the forms are all in Spanish, as well the questions immigration authorities will ask. To get through it ok, at what level of Spanish might you reasonably get by? Remember, there‘s no such thing as press #1 for “Ingles”, in Latin America!

#2– Here’s a question: how would your morale stand up if you were a public school teacher/professor and your government’s dept. of education was 6 months in arrears on your paycheck? Nope, nothing new down here. Par for the course for all things public in Latin America

#3- Even the most “average” stateside gringo knows there’s something bad coming in the USA. Though right now its like the calm before the storm. Meanwhile 95% of Americans keep their heads down and continue to spin endlessly on the treadmills. Oh, but when asked what they’ll do when TSHTF most say they’ll have a plan by then. For now they’re mostly thinking about planning to get a plan. But you’re not one of those types, right? Your plan “B” is well under way, correct?

#4- You can buy the latest computers and smart gadgets in Latin America, especially if you live near a decent sized city. When you purchase electronics you’ll get the ususal guarantees/warranties too. However, except for US store branches like Sears, Office Depot and Costco, etc., Latin warranty service is only fair to dismal. Bottom line, don’t assume your flat-screen TV warranty is as advertised. So then, should you buy big ticket items at Sears or Costco so just for the sake of the solid warranties? Today we tackle that theme and more..

#5-Consult with Johnny- Schedule a cell or Skype call: Set up a time to talk and sort out your own specific Latin American “PLAN- B”. Just write “CONSULT” in the subject line with a short list of questions/talking points to: theexpatfiles@gmail.com

#6- Visit me Johnny(and expat super blogger John Galt) at www.TheNewExpat.com where you get real “boots on the ground” info, experienced expat blogs and terrific one-of-kind reports.

Held in and around Guatemala, Central America- “off the Gringo tourist trail”, Saturday July 9th thru Thursday July 14th. Click the link on top of the www.TheNewExpat.com main-page or email: theexpatfiles@gmail.com or, or click on the link below (or paste it in your browser)

Expat Files – 06.03.16

#1- Lost in translation- some common and peculiar problems all Expats have when trying to communicate with Spanish speakers

#2– Latin America is now starting to experience that same familiar first- world problem: electronic device mania and social media overload.

#3- Regarding the battle of the sexes in Latin America: the women are closing the gap but still far behind.

#4- In Latin America its easy to maintain a low profile and shrink your social media footprint, but you must start planning for that eventuality as soon as you arrive.

#5-A seasonal head’s up on those creepy things that crawl, wriggle and fly in the night (and day).

#6-Consult with Johnny- Schedule a cell or Skype call: Set up a time to talk and sort out your own specific Latin American “PLAN- B”. Just write “CONSULT” in the subject line with a short list of questions/talking points to: theexpatfiles@gmail.com

#7- Visit me Johnny(and expat super blogger John Galt) at www.TheNewExpat.com where you get real “boots on the ground” info, experienced expat blogs and terrific one-of-kind reports.

Held in and around Guatemala, Central America- “off the Gringo tourist trail”, Saturday July 9th thru Thursday July 14th. Click the link on top of the www.TheNewExpat.com main-page or email: theexpatfiles@gmail.com or, or click on the link below (or paste it in your browser)

Ming Chun Tang – Hillary Clinton’s Memoir Deletions, in Detail

As was reported following the assassination of prominent Honduran environmental activist Berta Cáceres in March, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton erased all references to the 2009 coup in Honduras in the paperback edition of her memoirs, “Hard Choices.” Her three-page account of the coup in the original hardcover edition, where she admitted to having sanctioned it, was one of several lengthy sections cut from …