European Parliament Addresses the Gardasil Scandal in Europe

It is an honour for me to receive Dr. Philippe de Chazournes today in the Parisian offices of the European Parliament.  Dr. de Chazournes has fought long and hard as spokesperson for doctors in the current scandal linked to the Gardasil vaccine, the famous Sanofi-Pasteur MSD vaccine against certain strains of the human papillomavirus which can cause cancer.  A large number …

Why mandate vaccines? – Pat Robinson

Today I saw that presidential candidate Ben Carson has a strident vaccine stance. Until today, Ben Carson was the CEO of a cancer vaccine company Vaccinogen. Dr. Carson: No religious exemptions for vaccinations (CNN). The medical study, Measles Virus for Cancer Vaccines, discusses the complexity of creating cancer vaccines usingvarious virus, bacteria and and GMO-virus in vaccines. “A personalized disease like cancer requires a personalized weapon,” Carson wrote …

Treatment Manual for HPV Vaccine Injured

This manual was produced as a joint effort between the HPV vaccine injured youngsters, their parents, Orthomolecular doctors, international researchers, Nutrition Therapist Mr. Frede Damgaard and General Practitioner Stig Gerdes. The treatment has been shown to have a therapeutic effect on those injured by the HPV vaccine. As of this writing, there are currently 14 young women/girls in treatment and …

CBS: Gardasil Vaccine Can Cause Infection With Higher Risk HPV Strain – Erin Elizabeth

Women who receive the Gardasil (HPV) vaccine may be more likely to be infected with the higher-risk strains of the virus than women who do not get the vaccine, according to a new study. Oh! but not to worry, you just have to get – (you guessed it) more shots and you’ll survive! (or so they hope)  We go on …

Australia: Everybody Must Get Vaccinated, Except the Prime Minister’s Daughters – Jon Rappoport

Meet vaccine refuser, Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott We’re talking about Tony Abbott, who just ruled from on high that there are no more exemptions from vaccines in Australia. No more conscientious objections, no more religious exemptions. Only the rare medical exemption, permitted by a doctor. And suddenly, every family who refuses vaccinations for their children will lose up to …

Former Merck doctor says Gardasil vaccine is deadly

As parents increasingly feel pressured to expose their children to the harms of the Gardasil vaccine, evidence continues to grow that they need to stand their ground. The very vaccine that government officials and physicians alike are pushing on families is being further exposed as a pharmaceutical product that a growing list of experts characterize as overly expensive, ineffective and potentially …

“Gardasil [Vaccine] Will Become the Greatest Medical Scandal of All Time”—Former Merck Physician

Here is what former Merck physician Dr. Bernard Dalbergue actually said [2] about Gardasil, Merck’s HPV vaccine: I predict that Gardasil will become the greatest medical scandal of all time because at some point in time, the evidence will add up to prove that this vaccine, technical and scientific feat that it may be, has absolutely no effect on cervical cancer and that all …