Steven Rosenfeld – A Voting Machine Meltdown in 2016 Is Likely, Investigation Warns

Are Americans who will vote in the next presidential election ready for Florida 2.0? You may recall that the 2000 presidential election was decided by the Supreme Court—which stopped a recount in Florida under the twisted logic that because there were so many differences in how county officials were handling ballots that George W. Bush’s constitutional right of equal treatment …

Sarah Lazare – ‘Perilously’ Outdated Voting Machines Threaten 2016 Election, Report Finds

Electronic voting machines in 43 states are at least a decade old, “perilously close to the end of most systems’ expected lifespan,” and could pose a risk to the 2016 election, a new study from the the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law finds. After a 10 month probe that included interviews with over 100 …