David Crowe talks with Alison Tomlison and Raymund Ban about nutrition, while he is in South Korea. Alison dealt with her own severe health problems, which she resolved by determining that she was seriously gluten intolerant, and needed supplementation to reclaim her health. Raymund is one of the leaders of the only alternative AIDS organization in the country, and has come to believe that the HIV-positive people whose health declines are nutritionallly challenged, probably also gluten intolerant. Two podcasts that are mentioned are Episode 108 because it deals with nutritional supplements initially designed for animals, and episode 47, the discussion with Terry Wahls (MD) who recovered from severe MS through a radical change in her diet.
ERIC ZUESSE – How Corrupt America Is
The best reporting on the depth of America’s dictatorship is probably that being done by Atlanta Georgia’s NBC-affiliated, Gannett-owned, TV Channel “11 Alive”, WXIA television, “The Investigators” series of local investigative news reports, which show, up close and at a cellularly detailed level, the way things actually work in today’s America. Although it’s only local, it displays what meets the legal standards of …
Jeff Bryant – America’s Schools Are Falling Apart—The Country’s Public Schools Need Huge Investment
You’ve probably heard about the fierce battle [3] over school bathrooms raging across the country. It’s an important story for sure because transgender students should not be blocked from entering facilities of their gender identity. But the current fight over gender equity shouldn’t take away from another bathroom battle taking place in our nation’s public schools: whether students have access to a functioning …