Mike Lofgren – Blaming ‘Too Much Democracy’ for Trump

British expatriate writer Andrew Sullivan recently returned to the public eye with a piece that has aroused considerable comment, some of it reasonably on point, and some bloviatingly incoherent. What is all the fuss about? Sullivan, in critiquing the Donald Trump phenomenon and the political factors that gave rise to it, makes a few good points, but buries them under a ridiculous premise: The …

Channeling Nation’s Ugliness, Trump More American Than You Think

Much has been made of how Donald Trump’s racist remarks on the 2016 presidential campaign trail are “un-American,” outlandish, and—incredibly to some—giving him a bump in the polls. But others say it’s time for a reality check. Trump is “definitely not an outlier,” Erika Lee, director of the Immigration History Research Center at the University of Minnesota, told The Hill. …

Ben Spencer – The placebo effect IS real – even when patients know the treatment they are getting is fake

The placebo effect is real – even if you know the treatment you’ve been given has no medical value, research has concluded. Scientists found patients given a fake painkiller continued to feel benefits from it after they were told it was not genuine. But there was a catch. In order to feel these effects, the subjects had to be conditioned …

The US Was Forced to Negotiate with Iran Because of Changing Global Circumstances – Mahdi Darius NAZEMROAYA

Speaking from Charlottesville, US celebrity billionaire and presidential hopeful Donald Trump lamented that US President Barack Obama «dealt from desperation» while drafting a final nuclear agreement with Iran in Vienna. Trump had it partially right, but he also had it partially wrong too. It was not that the Obama Administration was desperate per se as Trump lambasted. It is that …

Libya: Chaos – The result of Western intrusion – Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey

Why is it that whatever the West touches rots to the flesh within seconds? Why is it that the West always manages to choose the wrong side, the side of terrorism, dictators, Fascism, lobbies, forces which oppresses the people, holds them down and makes their lives misery? Welcome to Libya which the West destroyed in 2011, without any consequences. The events …