Leid Stories—The Clinton Foundation: Outside the Law, Yet Shielded By It—09.08.16

The Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation, and multiple offshoots it has spawned globally in the years since the foundation’s launching in 1997, have been operating illegally and deceptively as charitable organizations, says former Wall Street financial expert, analyst and investor Charles Ortel, who has been presenting the findings of his independent study of the foundation’s operations in an ongoing series on Leid Stories.

How Hillary Clinton Abused Her State Department Role To Help Her Hedge Funder Son-In-Law

While Hillary Clinton may have had some entertaining problems when using her Blackberry (or was that iPad) as US Secretary of State, one thing she excelled at was nepotism. According to the latest set of emails released by the State Department, and first reported by the Daily Caller, Hillaryintervened in a request forwarded by her son-in-law, Marc Mezvisnky, on behalf of a deep-sea …

J. TAYLOR RUSHING – Clinton foundation takes in $178 million a year as donors pile on to show support for Hillary – and Chelsea ally got $532,000 to run it

The 17-year-old Clinton Foundation took in a whopping $178 million in donations in 2014, tax filings this week have shown, leaving the massive, New York-based charity group with the largest cash reserves in its history. The global group had $354 million in reserves at the end of the year, with only $22 million in liabilities, with much of it organized …