How Hillary Clinton Abused Her State Department Role To Help Her Hedge Funder Son-In-Law

While Hillary Clinton may have had some entertaining problems when using her Blackberry (or was that iPad) as US Secretary of State, one thing she excelled at was nepotism. According to the latest set of emails released by the State Department, and first reported by the Daily Caller, Hillaryintervened in a request forwarded by her son-in-law, Marc Mezvisnky, on behalf of a deep-sea …

J. TAYLOR RUSHING – Clinton foundation takes in $178 million a year as donors pile on to show support for Hillary – and Chelsea ally got $532,000 to run it

The 17-year-old Clinton Foundation took in a whopping $178 million in donations in 2014, tax filings this week have shown, leaving the massive, New York-based charity group with the largest cash reserves in its history. The global group had $354 million in reserves at the end of the year, with only $22 million in liabilities, with much of it organized …

Clinton Cash Goes Missing for a Controversial 2014 NYU Speech By Pam Martens and Russ Martens

New York University, which has been rocked by revelations of providing multi-million dollar residences, forgivable mortgages, and sweet-deal, in-house financing for luxurious vacation homes to an elite group of staff and faculty, is now linked to the Hillary and Bill Clinton cash-by-the-truckload scandal. According to an analysis by the Washington Post, since leaving the White House in January 2001, Bill Clinton was …

In Classic Clintonian Fashion, Dems Insult Their Own Voters By Matt Taibbi

ay this for the Democrats in the Clinton era: they’re never boring. From brilliant responses to sex scandals to impossible smoke-but-not-inhale policy hedges to calculated collapses on everything from gay rights to financial deregulation, the Clinton Dems over the years have proven themselves masters of messaging and political survival. They’ve turned the act of choosing winning over principle into an …

White men meet in London to plot ways of profiting off Africa’s seed systems

A meeting is to be held in London on 23 March by predominantly white men with a sprinkling of Africans, some of whom represent private seed companies, to discuss how to make a killing off Africa’s seed systems. Farmers and civil society organisations have not been invited to the meeting, which will be attended only by private seed companies, donors, …