Gerald Celente makes a powerful case for how Hillary Clinton supporters, and Liberals in general, are in a state of denial. They cannot see or admit how Democrats in power have festered war worldwide following the Bush years. And they’re aided and abetted by the Presstitute media. Elsewhere, he touches on why the price of Gold is tanking and what to expect next. And, he even ponders the supposed death of “partner dancing.”
Progressive Commentary Hour – 08.16.16
Danny Sheehan is one of our nation’s most important and influential Constitutional and public interest lawyers. During the past 45 years he has handled such public interest cases as the Pentagon Papers, the Watergate Break In, Iran Contra and the Silkwood murder case. He has represented victims of he Three Mile Island nuclear disaster and fought against the American Nazi Party on hate crimes. He is the founder of the Christic Institute and the Romero Institute, the latter being a nonprofit public policy center in Santa Cruz California. Danny has his law degree from Harvard University and later returned to study at the Harvard Divinity School.. He is the author of “The People’s Advocate: The Life and Legal History of America’s Most Fearless Public Defense Lawyer,” And his websites are AND
Tom Carter – Whistle-Blower Chelsea Manning: “I Became Very, Very Sad” During Torture
A 2015 interview with Amnesty International, published Tuesday in theGuardian, sheds light on the conditions faced by US Army whistleblower, political prisoner, and torture victim Chelsea Manning, who attempted suicide on July 5 and now faces a vindictive campaign of retaliation by the military. Chelsea Manning (born Bradley Manning), formerly a US Army specialist stationed in Iraq, is a whistleblower …
Ask Beatty – 12.28.15
What are the secrets to a happy life? Money, power and a lavish lifestyle? Beatty discussed the research findings of a number of major studies on happiness. The results may surprise you. And hopefully, will help you focus on the things in life that really matter.
US pressured Norway to arrest & extradite Snowden, seize all devices – documents
The US repeatedly asked Norway to detain and deport whistleblower Edward Snowden if he tried to enter its territory in the aftermath of his leaks on mass US global surveillance, Norwegian media revealed citing formal requests. Norway’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs received the first letter from Washington shortly after the former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor’s revelations went public when …
Deirdre Fulton – Crackdown on Manning Intensifies Days Before Confinement Hearing
Military prison authorities are allegedly denying whistleblower Chelsea Manning access to the facility’s legal library, just two days before a disciplinary board hearing that will decide whether she is placed in solitary confinement for what her supporters and lawyers say are innocuous offenses—like possession of a tube of expired toothpaste. As Common Dreams reported, the Chelsea Manning Support Network revealed …
Sarah Lazare – Chelsea Manning Could Face Indefinite Solitary Confinement
Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning, currently serving a 35-year sentence in military prison, now faces the possibility of indefinite solitary confinement for what her supporters and lawyers say are innocuous offenses—like possessing books and magazines related to LGBTQ issues and having expired toothpaste in her cell. The Chelsea Manning Support Network revealed Tuesday that prison authorities are using the trumped up …
When the Government Views Its Own Population as the Enemy
The public debate over government surveillance that was, if not inaugurated, at least intensified by the publication of documents provided by Edward Snowden has been, in some respects, surreal and deluded. One side claims that the NSA’s mass surveillance is necessary to protect the public from terrorism, that in fact it has thwarted many “potential terrorist events.” The other side claims, with much …