Obama’s Legacy In Africa: Terrorism, Civil War & Military Expansion

NEW YORK — (Opinion) The corporate media is predictably churning out nauseating retrospectives of Obama’s presidency, gently soothing Americans to sleep with fairy tales about the progressive accomplishments of President Hope and Change. But amid the selective memory and doublethink which passes for sophisticated punditry within the controlled media matrix, let us not forget that in Africa the name Barack …

Facebook, Twitter and Instagram Gave Data to a Firm Helping Police Track African-American Protesters

Records obtained by the American Civil Liberties Union show that Facebook, Twitter and Instagram shared users’ information with a software company that helps police conduct surveillance and targets African-American protesters. Read more

Karen J. Greenberg – Liberty Is Security – The Lesson Not Drawn From Post-9/11 Government Overreach

One vivid image of the historical relationship between government power and individual liberties in America has long been the swing of the pendulum. It catches the nature of the perpetually changing balance between the two. When it comes to terrorism and civil liberties after 9/11, that pendulum swung strongly toward the power side of the equation and it has been …