Interview with Josh Cooks from Nextdoorganics – 01.21.16

Josh helped found Nextdoorganics in 2011 and spent its first season on a rural farm outside Providence, RI. He now helps with strategic planning, design & technology, and operations logistics.

He WWOOFed on three farms in Europe and helped start a school garden at a democratic school in rural West Virginia, the state he is from. He previously worked at the Alternative Education Resource Organization.

He is also the co-founder of, a new online platform to facilitate the creation of residencies in learning communities around the world.

He graduated with a major in Culture & Politics from Georgetown University and earned a master’s in the Anthropology of Learning and Cognition from the London School of Economics.

Sayer Ji – How The Microbiome Make Us “Supra Human”

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The Hidden Toxins In Your Clothing By Dr. Edward F. Group III

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Flashback: Allegations of Government Human and Biotech Experiments at a Deep Underground Military Base near Dulce

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