Meria Heller Show – Born in the 1940’s We Remember – 07.03.16

Born In the 1940’s We Remember

Meria Heller and Jim Fetzer discuss the following topics:

Living in a false reality of constructed events

From Sandy Hook to Orlando (JFK -9/11/01)

Signs of a staged event in Orlando

Gun control


Blaming it on Islam? No links to ISIS

ISIS – made in the USA

Omar Mateen and G4S and connections to James Wesley Howell

Who and what is G4S and it’s connection to DHS

Life Tech

Professional crisis actors


Supreme Court ruling against Texas abortion access


Clinton death toll

Fake moon landing

Spraying NYC


Meria Heller Show – 03.20.16

Meria Heller with David Icke.

David Cameron on David Icke’s work; David’s world tour – Canada in 2017; chemtrails-smart dust – nanobots; sperm killers in food; trans-phantomism the transhumanist agenda; self identity; focus of attention; will you be thinking from the cloud by 2030? addicted to technology; DARPA and the web; Dr.Richard Day in 1969 on today’s world; the movie “Transcendence”; Morgellons disease; assimilated by the virus; 1956 “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”; living in a bad inverted copy of the high frequency original Earth; Gnostics on the Archons; death cult feeds on fear because it IS fear; divide and rule elections;awaken to true consciousness.