Emerson Urry – The Department of Defense Is the Third Largest Polluter of US Waterways

Advocacy group Environment America has “crunched the numbers” in an effort to reveal who the largest polluters of American waterways are. The culprits that crack the top-15 list may very well surprise you. If you ask people on the street who America’s biggest water polluter is, for many, oil Goliaths like Exxon or Chevron might be first to come to …

Derrick Broze – Bombshell: Documents Show Witness Lied to Get Chevron out of Billions in Fines

A witness who was instrumental in overturning a $9.5 billion (USD) environmental fine levied against Chevron in Ecuador has admitted to lying, according to newly released transcripts. Nearly two years ago, Alberto Guerra testified in a New York federal court that he bribed judge Nicolas Zambrano to write the multibillion dollar judgement against Chevron for oil damage in the Amazon …

Pact with devil? California farmers use oil firms’ water By Veronique DUPONT

An efficient solution to a historic drought, or an environmentally risky pact with the devil? That’s the question raised by California farmers who are irrigating their crops with waste water supplied by oil companies, in an arrangement slammed as dangerous by environmental campaigners. Driving into the parched region around Bakersfield, in the western US state’s fertile Central Valley, it is …

Obama’s secret TPP scheme will criminalize saving seeds, push biotech patent monopolies

The hidden details of a treasonous new “trade” agreement currently being negotiated between the U.S. and 11 other countries in secret continue to be leaked, with new evidence pointing to the further erosion of national food sovereignty under the sinister plan. The so-called “Trans-Pacific Partnership,” or TPP, threatens to eliminate the freedom of farmers to save seeds while forcing signatory …

We’re Citizens, Not Subjects. We Have the Right to Criticize Government without Fear – Chelsea Manning

When freedom of information and transparency are stifled, then bad decisions are often made and heartbreaking tragedies occur – too often on a breathtaking scale that can leave societies wondering: how did this happen? Think about the recent debates on torture, assassination by unmanned aircraft, secret warrants and detentions, intelligence and surveillance courts, military commissions, immigration detention centers and the …

Chelsea Manning and the Deepwater Horizon Killings – Greg Palast

The military whistleblower’s 2010 Wikileaks dump included information that could have saved the 11 BP workers who died that spring in the Gulf of Mexico oil rig disaster. Five years ago Monday, 11 men died on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig — despite Chelsea Manning’s effort to save their lives. Let me explain. The BP drilling rig blew itself to …

Chevron Whistleblower Leaks ‘Smoking Gun’ in Case of Ecuadorian Oil Spill

In what is being described as “smoking gun evidence” of Chevron’s complete guilt and corruption in the case of an oil spill in the Ecuadorian Amazon, internal videos leaked to an environmental watchdog show company technicians finding and then mocking the extensive oil contamination in areas that the oil giant told courts had been restored. A Chevron whistleblower reportedly sent “dozens of …