Obama’s Legacy In Africa: Terrorism, Civil War & Military Expansion

NEW YORK — (Opinion) The corporate media is predictably churning out nauseating retrospectives of Obama’s presidency, gently soothing Americans to sleep with fairy tales about the progressive accomplishments of President Hope and Change. But amid the selective memory and doublethink which passes for sophisticated punditry within the controlled media matrix, let us not forget that in Africa the name Barack …

NORMAN POLLACK – America: Banana Republic? Far Worse

Before the Inauguration, one was guarded about using the term “fascist” to describe America, as if slanderous and an exaggeration. No longer. It is not entirely Trump’s doing; Obama and his predecessors were creeping up to that point with each intervention, confrontation, weakening of civil liberties, drone attack, regime change—a whole catalogue of death, defiance, destruction. But it is Trump …

PAUL STREET – Hit the Road, Barack: Some Farewell Reflections

The lying neoliberal imperialist Barack Obama’s nationally televised Farewell Address from Chicago last Tuesday was a fitting monument to the deceptive, fake-progressive oratory he wielded so elegantly in becoming a national phenomenon and a U.S. President. As usual, his oratory was plagued by a deep disconnect between his words and his deeds. “When Ordinary People Get Involved” “Now this,” Obama …

ANDREW BACEVICH – On Loving Another Country

Say what you will about Israeli political leaders, you can always count on them for one thing: They will do whatever they believe necessary to ensure the security and wellbeing of the Jewish State. The same cannot be said of American political leaders, notably so when it comes to US-Israeli relations. There, the interests of the United States routinely take …

Workers Strike Back From Boston To Chicago

NATIONWIDE – Strikes by baggage handlers and cabin cleaners at Chicago O’Hare International Airport, Uber drivers in two-dozen cities, hospital workers in Pittsburgh and McDonald’s and other fast-food cooks and cashiers from coast to coast, combined with mass civil disobedience by working Americans across the service economy, will headline a nationwide Fight for $15 day of disruption Tuesday. In addition to …

Blythe Pelham – Comforting Comfrey Can Speed Recovery

Poison ivy. It’s my bane, my scourge, the melter of my skin. And now? I will add a breaker of my bones to the list of frown-inducing encounters that I’ve had with this pesky climate change lover. You may have noticed that I’ve been somewhat quiet lately — that’s because I fractured my wrist about 7 weeks ago. I was …

Michael Hardt, Sandro Mezzadra – The power of the movements facing Trump

It is much too early to say to what extent President Trump will enact his campaign promises as government policy and, indeed, how much he will actually be able to do in office. But every day since his election demonstrations have sprung up throughout the United States to express outrage, apprehension and dismay. Moreover, there is no doubt that once …

`It’s All About Food – Robert Grillo, Farm To Fable – 11.09.16

Robert Grillo is an activist, author and speaker. He is the director of Free from Harm, which he founded in 2009 to expose animal agriculture’s impact on non human animals, vulnerable communities and the environment. As a marketing communications professional for over twenty years, Grillo has worked on large food industry accounts through which he acquired a behind-the-scenes perspective on food branding and marketing. Farm to Fable is his first book. He lives in Chicago. For more information, please visit: http://www.freefromharm.org.

KAREN PERRY STILLERMAN – Organic Farming is Growing (But Not Everywhere)

The U.S. Department of Agriculture recently released the results of its latest survey of organic farmers, and there’s good news. Organic farming is up nationally, with 12,818 farms generating $6.2 billion in certified organic product sales in 2015, up 13 percent from 2014. But the survey shows that all states aren’t pursuing organic farming equally. And one of the top …