SPECIAL: HOMEOPATHY Dr. Alex Tournier is a practicing homeopath and scientific researcher. he studied physics at Imperial College of London, theoretical physics at the Cambridge University and received his doctorate from the University of Heidelberg studying the biophysics of water-protein interactions. In 2007 he founded and is now the director of the Homeopathy Research Institute in London, a charitable organization …
What Women Must Know – The Very Real Health Condition called Electrohypersenstivity and What to Do About It with Dr. Olle Johansson – 04.16.18
The Very Real Health Condition called Electrohypersenstivity and What to Do About It with Dr. Olle Johansson Download this episode (right click and save) Olle Johansson, associate professor at the Karolinska Institute (retired Nov 2017, still active), Department of Neuroscience, and head of The Experimental Dermatology Unit, has a long background in the neurosciences and has coauthored – …
Moving Forward – 12.04.17
Download this episode (right click and save) Vince Emanuele talks about the importance of organizational vision and structure. He also dives into things that work and do not work for organizing. This clip is from his show on The Progressive Radio Network titled Meditations and Molotovs which airs every Monday at 2:00 pm eastern time. Link to Rob’s website: robmovesforward.wordpress.com Link to Rob’s new …
What Women Must Know –How to Calm and Angry Person in 90 Seconds with Douglas Noll-09.28.17
Douglas Noll, who holds both a JD and an MA, left a successful career as a lawyer to become a peacemaker. He is an award-winning author, teacher, trainer, highly experienced mediator, and co-founder of the Prison of Peace project. This has been the most profound peace training Douglas has conducted thus far in his career. Inmates who have gone through …
Visionaries – 08.21.17
“Visionary Creativity in Business.” In 1982, in a climate of panic over American business “decline,” Tom Peters and Robert H. Waterman released a book titled “In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America’s Best-Run Companies.” The book is important to this day and has been followed by similar books, for example James C. Collins’s 2001 book, “Good to Great: Why Some …
Connect The Dots – Guest: Lisa Stokke – 08.02.17
Tune in to Connect the Dots to find out about the Future of Organics, with Lisa Stokke, co-founder of Food Democracy Now! And Dave Chapman, an organic farmer for over 35 years in Vermont and the co-founder of the movement, Keep The Soil In Organic. They will discuss the erosion of Organics by industrial hydroponics. Download this episode (right click and save)
Economic Update – Worker Coops as our Economic Future – 05.28.17
Updates on Trump’s 2018 budget, Ford’s undemocratic decisions, US opioid epidemic, Swiss vote to end nuclear power, Harley-Davidson moving jobs overseas, Canada outlaws overbooking seats on planes. Interview John Curl, author and coop worker, on importance of worker coops. Download this episode (right click and save)
What Women Must Know – The Hormone Boost: How to Power Up Your Six Essential Hormones for Strength, Energy and Weight Loss with Dr. Natasha Turner – 03.09.17
DR. Natalie Turner is a New York Times bestselling author and one of North America’s leading naturopathic doctors, a sought-after speaker, natural health expert and the founder of Clear Medicine Wellness Boutique in Toronto. In 2014 she was recognized by her professional organization as a leader in her field and in 2016 was awarded the top spot on a list of North America’s Most Innovative Health Experts. Dr. Turner has been referred to as a friend of The Dr. Oz Show by Dr. Oz and has appeared eight times on the show. She is also a regular guest on The Marilyn Denis Show. The author lives in Toronto, ON.
Trends This Week – Trends Journal predictions for a Trump administration – 03.01.17
Global forecaster Gerald Celente has released his first quarter Trends Journal for 2017. From details on how and why Donald Trump won the White House to economic, political, and social trends that will unfold throughout 2017, Celente and Trends Research Institute analysts forecast History Before it Happens®. This one is a must read. Learn more at Trendsresearch.com.
LOA Today – 02.23.17
Continuing our discussion of Napoleon Hill’s Think And Grow Rich, this week we talk about Chapter 12: The Subconscious Mind. This is where the rubber meets the road, so to speak, because the subconscious mind is where all of the Law of Attraction work actually takes place.