Gary speaks with Ralph Nadar while giving commentaries from Chris Hedges
The Gary Null Show – 10.31.16
Today On The Gary Null Show, Gary opens up the program with a new study on the heart, the best ways to mange stress in your life. Gary also gives a power commentary from Chris Hedges. Before going to his guest Gary plays some audio clips from Jill Stein, and Clinton’s rigging. In the second half of the program Gary talks with David Cobb on Why more attention and support should be given to the Green Party and its platform for radical social and economic change. David Cobb is an American activist and attorney who is Campaign Manager for Dr. Jill Stein’s presidential run with the Green Party. During the 2004 election cycle, David was the Green Party’s presidential candidate. He is the co-founder of Move to Amend, a political organization seeking to curtail corporate power and end corporate personhood via a Constitutional amendment. David received his law degree from the University of Houston Law School and is currently a Board member of the Green Institute and the Sierra Club’s national corporate accountability committee. In the 1980s he campaigned for Jesse Jackson and Jerry Brown, but became disenchanted with the Democratic Party and left the party. In 2000, he had organized Ralph Nader’s Texas campaign and eventually became the Green Party’s national General Counsel. Listeners can get more info on Jill Stein and the Green Party platform at and
US Lawmakers Quietly Advance Legislation to Penalize Boycott of Israel – Sarah Lazare
U.S. lawmakers are quietly advancing legislation that would penalize international participation in the growing movement to boycott, divest from, and sanction (BDS) Israel for human rights abuses against Palestinians. With little notice, anti-BDS directives were injected into the “Fast Track” legislation that passed the Senate Finance Committee Wednesday night, despite broad opposition to the bill, which gives the administration of President Barack …
Palestinian Children Pass Out, Vomit, From Farming With Illegal Pesticides on Israeli Settlements – Allison Deger
Bad pay, hard labor, nasty skin rashes, and poor sleep in constructions sites are just the tip of work conditions found in Israeli agricultural settlements, said Human Rights Watch (HRW) in a report released Monday. The 74-page “Israel: Settlement Agriculture Harms Palestinian Children” is a devastating look into underage Palestinian laborers farming for Israeli companies. Minors as young as 11 are interviewed …