Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 04.06.17

THE DEMISE OF US ATOMIC POWER comes to Solartopia.

We talk with PAT MARIDA of Ohio Sierra’s nuclear committee, LINDA PENCE GUNTER of Beyond Nuclear, and TOM CLEMENTS, the great southeastern stalwart of the movement to bury nuclear energy.

We begin with the proposed bailout of Ohio’s failing nukes. We talk of the bankruptcy of the once-mighty WESTINGHOUSE. We assess the failures of reqctor construction throughout the world, as well as the impossibility of radioactive waste management and the oxymoron of reactor safety.

We finish with consensus on the coming of renewable energy.

But in the meantime, these three great expert/activists give us a unique and powerful critique of exactly what has happened to this most expensive and dangerous of all technologic, now hopefully about to be buried.

Meria Heller – News of Planet of the Apes – 04.02.17

3/30/17 News of Planet of the Apes, with Meria. Nunes the storyteller; need an independent investigation;US ups wars and war dead;N.C. repeals bathroom bill;Fukushima radiation poisoning the world; latest trump horror bills;Westinghouse bankrupt;Fed.Court halts trump muslim ban indefinitely;Mexico trumps trump; tourism takes a beating under trump’s “ameriKKKa”; Phoenix makes huge deal with Mexico;trump vs. Republicans;leaders ripped off charities and towns;Ivanka in WH; 15 felonies for phony PP video makers;Brexit;no coal jobs coming back; no internet privacy-activists respond;DNC resignations;Dakota pipeline flows;More troops to Iraq,Yemen & Afghanistan;Sessions vs. sanctuary cities; lawsuit against Sessions;Bridgegate sentences;Iowa’s new ridiculous abortion bill;Canada moves to legalize cannabis;Kushner & Russia ties (lost big deal with China); trump created 35 jobs, destroyed thousands;trump/Russia/Mobs/FBI (must read); Russian protests; and more insanity.

Alternative Visions – The Federal Reserve Hikes Interest Rates—What’s Behind the Decision – 03.17.17

The Fed raised interest rates again this past week. Jack explains it has little to do with it having reached its inflation or employment targets, but represents the major policy shift underway by US economic elites. From Fed low interest policy for eight years subsidizing stock, bond and financial assets—and thereby corporate and investor profits and incomes of the wealthiest 1%–the shift now underway is to subsidize profits and incomes of the 1% by cutting taxes, deregulation, and moderate infrastructure spending. Sustained low Fed rates were beginning to cause more instability in financial markets after 8 years. They played their part in boosting profits and incomes; now another policy ‘mix’ is emerging. Jack shows how Fed 2% inflation and job targets are phony justifications for Fed low rate policy continuation; how and why long term rates which the Fed doesn’t control will continue to rise, and what the global responses and effects in Europe, Japan and China will be to the new Fed direction. Will the Fed be used by the US economic elite to check Trump? Possibly.

Expanding Mind – Tracking the Wild – 03.15.17

Ecologist and wildlife tracker Meghan Walla-Murphy talks about following bears, reading the landscape, and cultivating relationships across species (and political) lines.

Heart of Mind Radio – 03.10.17

On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, host Kathryn Davis speaks with Lawrence Edwards, PhD, BCN, LMHC, the Founder and Director of Optimal Mind in Armonk, New York. The topic is Kundalini Awakening, the path to radical freedom. Guest: Lawrence Edwards, PhD, who trained as a monk in India and has been teaching meditation for over 40 years, is a renowned …

Project Censored – 03.07.17

Peter and Mickey spend the hour looking at “The Coming War On China,” the latest film from
the prolific documentarian John Pilger. The film looks at the untold history of U.S.-China relations,
the Pacific military buildup by both countries, and life in China today. The first half of this week’s show
presents audio excerpts from the film, then in the second half, John Pilger joins the program for an interview.

Visionaries – 03.06.17

Visionaries – 03.06.17 March 6, 2017

“Do We Need College, Part 2.” Today we continue our discussion from last week: Suppose an 18-year-old came to you and asked, “I have $100,000+ and 4 years. What should I do with them?” Obviously college is great for some people, but is it the right choice for everyone? More thoughts today.