Mark Morford – Jesus in America Today: Spit Upon, Beaten, Banned

Here is Jesus H. Christ, walking around modern America, right now. Can you imagine him? Here is, in other words, a dark-skinned, bearded, unkempt Middle Eastern Jew, acting all kinds of suspicious, ranting on street corners and hanging around with prostitutes and fanatics, rejecting money, violence and the ruling class, seen by Muslims as the divine precursor to their prophet as he lures the …

A Bowl of Soul – 11.06.15

Give It To Jesus – Monique – Gospel – 2015
After The Pain – Betty Wright – Southern Soul/R&B – 1988
I Don’t Need You Around – Jackie Wilson – R&B – 1967
Stay – The Temptations – R&B – 1998
Someway, Somehow – The Marvelettes – R&B – 1968
The Newness Is Gone – Eddie Kendricks – R&B – 1976
I’ll Know (When The Right One Comes Along) – Sonja Grier – R&B – 2014
Upgrade – J-Live – Hip Hop – 2008
Don’t Joke With The Hungry Man – Spanky Wilson & The Quantic Soul Orchestra – Funk/R&B – 2005

A Harvard Don is Enraged that Pope Francis is “Opposed to the World Economic Order” By Bill Black

A New York Times article entitled “Championing Environment, Francis Takes Aim at Global Capitalism” quotes a conventional Harvard economist, Robert N. Stavins. Stavins is enraged by Pope Francis’ position on the environment because the Pope is “opposed to the world economic order.” The rage, unintentionally, reveals why conventional economics is the most dangerous ideology pretending to be a “science.” Stavins’ attacks on the …

Want To Be A Hero? Embrace Suffering and Sacrifice

“Hardships prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary life.” – C.S. Lewis Are pain and suffering destructive experiences to be avoided, or are they opportunities for people to develop an extraordinary life? The wisdom of spiritual philosophies throughout the ages has converged with modern psychological research to produce an answer: Suffering and sacrifice offer profound gains, advantages, and opportunities to those open to such boons. …

You Cannot Be a Republican and a Christian

No one in American life today proclaims their allegiance to Christ more conspicuously than those who have rejected most of what Christ actually taught: Republicans. The modern Republican Party’s hell-bent embodiment of nearly everything Christ warned against has become so serious that we have to call it out. You cannot be a Republican and a Christian. Of course, it wasn’t …

How Did Jesus Get to be So Hot? The Fascinating History of (Wildly Unrealistic) Depictions of the Savior

Lyrics for the rap song, B.I.B.L.E. (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth), include [3] the following line: “The white image, of Christ, is really Cesare Borgia [4].” The idea that our modern image of Jesus could be based on a ruthless power-hungry illegitimate son of a 15th century Pope (and star of the bloody mini-series Borgia [5]) is startling and farfetched. But it is no more bizarre or fanciful …

Hey Apocalyptic Christians — Here’s How the World as We Know It Will Probably End

High profile anti-religionists like Bill Maher and Richard Dawkins are altogether candid in their disrespect for Christians, and the faith we follow. No doubt Maher and Dawkins hold even less regard for that evangelical subset who believes we are living in the “end times”— a disregard shared by countless other atheists and agnostics. The truth is, we apocalyptically minded Christians …