I am consecutively stuffing my ears with various airline earplugs, in order not to hear the news blasted on the radio. I am closing my eyes when the topic appears on TV, even on RT or Press TV. I skip newspaper headlines. I beg my friends, comrades and relatives not to bring up the subject in front of me. I don’t …
Sayer J – Research Reveals Plants Can Think, Choose & Remember
Modern science is only beginning to catch up to the wisdom of the ancients: plants possess sentience and a rudimentary form of intelligence. Plants are far more intelligent and capable than we given them credit. In fact, provocative research from 2010 published in Plant Signaling & Behavior proposes that since they cannot escape environmental stresses in the manner of animals, they have …
Stephen Lendman – Police State Public Education In America
America’s founders believed education was insurance against loss of liberty. Jefferson said “(e)very government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves, therefore, are its only safe depositories. And to render them safe, their minds must be improved…” Public education is vital because it serves the public interest – giving meaning to “we the people.” …
ANDRE VLTCHEK – The Refugees Are Coming!!!
I don’t really know, I don’t understand how it feels: to live in a rich European country, which is rich mainly because it has been directly plundering many poor nations around the world. Or it has been plundering by association, through its membership in some extremist organization like NATO. To live there, refusing to acknowledge why it is rich, how …
So, what did the Muslims do for the Jews?
Islam saved Jewry. This is an unpopular, discomforting claim in the modern world. But it is a historical truth. The argument for it is double. First, in 570 CE, when the Prophet Mohammad was born, the Jews and Judaism were on the way to oblivion. And second, the coming of Islam saved them, providing a new context in which they …
Roots Of Modern Terrorism And Religious Fundamentalism
– Anyone who attempts to construe a personal view of God which conflicts with Church dogma must be burned without pity – Pope Benedict III – Pope from 855 – 858 AD. – Fear is the basis of the whole – fear of the mysterious, of defeat and death. Fear is the parent of cruelty and therefore it is no wonder …