A conversation with author Gregory Alan Thornbury about 70s Jesus Music, apocalyptic politics, Bob Dylan, countercultural Christianity, and his fascinating biography of the Christian rock star Larry Norman: Why Should the Devil Have All the Good Music?: Larry Norman and the Perils of Christian Rock. Download this episode (right click and save)
LOA Daily – 04.26.18
Can I Undo Past Programming by Others? (from The Law of Attraction, Part III) This section of the book addresses an interesting question: to what degree do other influence us, and what can we do about it? We will probably also discuss, “My Point of Power Is Right Now” and “How Did the First Negative Thing Occur?” Download this episode …
Progressive Commentary Hour – 03.21.18
CONVERSATIONS WITH REMARKABLE MINDS Why Christianity is becoming increasing unbelievable and why it must undergo a dramatic reformation in order to survive and be relevant. Bishop John Shelby Spong is a renowned American Bishop of the Episcopal Church priest who served in Newark until he retired in 2000. As a liberal theologian he has represented an alternative voice for Christians and religious …
LOA Daily – 01.26.18
Way Out There: A Negative Thinker’s Straw Man Wendy and Walt discuss some of the criticisms leveled at positive psychology, as well as some of the whackier claims made by some advocates of LOA. In particular, we discuss the claims of Derek Beres, author of the book, “Whole Motion: Training Your Brain and Body For Optimal Health”. We also examine …
LOA Daily – 01.03.18
Positive Psychology’s Impact on The Field of Psychology Positive psychology has made tremendous inroads in the field of psychology over the past 25 years or so, but it still has plenty of critics within the field. We take a closer look at where some of the resistance meets the vortex. Download this episode (right click and save)
Resistance Radio – Guest: Ramsey Kanaan – 09.24.17
Ramsey Kanaan has been involved in attempting to disseminate the good word for well over three and a half decades now. As a young teenager, he founded AK Press (named after his mother’s initials) from his bedroom in Scotland. He’s co-founder and Publisher with PM Press. You can check out his current efforts at www.pmpress.org. Download this episode (right click and …
Love Lust And Laughter – 07.25.17
David Steinberg’s view of sex is who we are, how we live, and how we experience desire, joy and life. Dr. Diana and David discussed sexuality and politics. The “Summer of Love” 1967 was the touchstone. The 60s held a promise that love was coming to all of us. The decade of the 70s with attitudes that there were going …
Trends This Week – Trends Journal predicts upcoming economic, political and social trends – 06.21.17
Global forecaster Gerald Celente has released his 2nd Quarter Trends Journal for 2017. With topics spanning the economy, Middle East conflict, aging and so much more, the Trends Journal allows you to read History Before it Happens®. Meanwhile, as forecast, tensions are heating up in the Middle East and the repercussions could be disastrous. Learn more at Trendsresearch.com. Download this episode (right click and …
Resistance Radio – Josh Schlossberg – 04.02.17
Josh Schlossberg is editor of The Biomass Monitor, the nation’s leading publication investigating the whole story on bioenergy, biomass, and biofuels. Subscribe to quarterly email issues at TheBiomassMonitor.org, like them on Twitter or follow them on Facebook.
Aleksandra Sandstrom – Faith on the Hill
The share of U.S. adults who describe themselves as Christians has been declining for decades, but the U.S. Congress is about as Christian today as it was in the early 1960s, according to a new analysis by Pew Research Center.1 Indeed, among members of the new, 115th Congress, 91% describe themselves as Christians. This is nearly the same percentage as in …