Progressive Radio Network


It’s the First ‘Free Your Mind Friday’ for the New Year! Here we are, at the end of the first broadcast week for the new…
hile there has traditionally been a close relationship between Wall Street donors and nonprofit organizations like charities and universities, a new study from the Stanford…
Tear Jerker: Obama Weeps for [Politically Appropriate] Victims of Gun Violence Does God Love Ugly?: Wheaton to Fire Prof for Pro-Muslim Sympathies In an emotional,…
A study of 400 people found that those who were mindful, which means they pay attention to their present thoughts and feelings, were less likely…
It was Christmas Eve 1926, the streets aglitter with snow and lights, when the man afraid of Santa Claus stumbled into the emergency room at…
“The world, for the first time, agreed there is a problem with climate change and that we should do something about it. This occurred despite…
A study of 400 people found that those who were mindful, which means they pay attention to their present thoughts and feelings, were less likely…
In the great epistemic galaxy of words, we have become both reading junkies and also professional text skimmers. Reading has become a clumsy science, which…
The January 3 warrior Connection was a discussion between Dr. Doug Rokke and Bonnie Rokke Tinnes, RN, about anemia and then we read some short…
Welcome the New Year with me and my guest Michael Cornwall sharing personal stories and thoughts about what makes for a good life. Too much…
VE102 Xmas Ramones: Merry Christmas (I Don't Want To Fight Tonight) Stiff Little Fingers: White Christmas Pogues: Fairytale Of New York Vandals: Oi To The…
2015 in Perspective: What’s Been, What’s Done, What’s Ahead (Part 2) The discussion continues with listeners’ perspectives on what mattered in 2015, what will matter…