Focus On The Facts – 11.06.17

Guest was investigative journalist and my partner in crime in taking down the Global Pedophile Network, Patricia Negron. We covered the latest details on the destruction and take down of the Global Pedophile Network – from all the Hollywood celebrities to the politicians in Washington and Saudi Arabia to the journalists and reporters in the MSM – and discussed the …

A Bowl of Soul – 05.26.17

A Bowl of Soul Broadcast – 05-26-2017 Help Me Find A Way To Say I Love You – Little Anthony & The Imperials – R&B – 1970 (You’re Living In) A Dream World – The Continental IV – R&B – 1972 Shiftless Shady Jealous Kind of People – The O’Jays – R&B – 1972 Body Talk – Eddie Kendricks – …

Connect The Dots – Guest: Myron Dewey & James Spione – 05.24.17

Listen to Myron Dewey, indigenous filmmaker, journalist, and professor, and founder of Digital Smoke Signals; and filmmaker, James Spione, co-directors (with Josh Fox) of the new film, Awake: A Dream from Standing Rock discuss this deeply moving portrayal of the indigenous Water Protector’s uprising at, their own experiences at Standing Rock as well as native spirituality, and the culture of …

Nigel Warburton – Why every child in need deserves an urgent response

What would you do if you saw a six-year-old alone in a public place?’ So begins a short video from UNICEF, which has received more than 2 million views on YouTube. In the video, Anano, a six-year-old child actor, is dressed in different ways and placed in different scenarios. When Anano is well-dressed, we see people actively trying to help her. But when Anano’s appearance is altered to make her look homeless, we see people shunning her and sometimes even telling her to go away.

If You’re Low-Income, America Is Still an Oligarchy

The U.S. isn’t an oligarchy after all. At least that’s the argument in a recent article by Vox’s Dylan Matthews. Matthews cites new research finding that the rich and middle class agree on about 90 percent of bills that come before the United States Congress. He adds: That leaves only 185 bills on which the rich and the middle class disagree… …on these 185 …

ANDRE VLTCHEK – The West Spreads Intellectual Idiocy

Could any dictator desire more? Almost the entire population of the Empire is now thinking the same way! The populace is “educated” at schools and the universities staffed with submissive, and cowardly teachers and professors. The populace is “informed” by hundreds of thousands of servile journalists and “analysts”. There is almost no deviation from the official narrative. Congratulations, Western Empire! …

Iron Man and Transformers Were Censored by US Military For Getting Too Close To The Truth

It sounds almost unimaginable, but it isn’t the script of a new Hollywood movie: the Pentagon has literally forced movie producers to turn villains into heroes, add U.S. Military rescues, as well as changing scenes that they deem “sensitive.” Producers and directors say they are literally being forced to re-write scripts. If the United States Department of Defense deems their content ­inappropriate, the changes …

Some Disturbingly Relevant Legacies of Anticommunism

More than once, when i’ve been introduced to someone as the former longtime editor of The Nation, that person has asked me: “Did you found the magazine?” And more than once, I have resisted the temptation to denounce the questioner. I am old (82 last July), but not that old. However, the truth is that when, in the late 1970s, I had the …