Sam Gindin – Building a Mass Socialist Party

We desperately need a mass socialist party. But the dictum “build it and they will come” won’t get us very far. Such a party has preconditions. It demands grounding in dramatic and sustained uptakes in the level of popular struggles and, above all, the generalization of institutionalized, vibrant bases of working-class support. Yet after the multi-decade defeat of the labor …

Deirdre Fulton – Trump’s Fast-Food CEO Labor Pick: ‘Anti-Family, Anti-Worker, Anti-Jobs’

Fast-food executive Andrew Puzder, who opposes raising the federal minimum wage and “has championed every aspect of right-wing trickle-down economics,” is expected to be President-elect Donald Trump’s pick for labor secretary, news outlets reported Thursday. Puzder is the chief executive of CKE Restaurants, which includes the burger chains Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr. among its brands. He advised and fundraised for …

It’s All About Food – Julianna Carella & Michael Greger – 12.08.15

Part I: Julianna Carella, Auntie Dolores

Julianna Carella founded Auntie Dolores, The Every Day Edible in 2008, bringing 20+ years of culinary work with cannabis and entrepreneurship in the health space. In 2013, Julianna developed Treatibles CBD-infused pet products, which were introduced under the Auntie Dolores line of products. Julianna is an avid proponent of health freedom, a visionary, and an activist in the MMJ community. As a health food enthusiast, Julianna began incorporating cannabinoids into her own diet and sharing the benefits with friends and family members who later encouraged her to turn her passion into a business. The Auntie Dolores mission is to provide safe access to cannabinoids for all sectors of society, including animals. Today, Auntie Dolores healthy gourmet edibles and pet products are sold throughout California and the brand will launch in additional states in 2015.

Part II: Michael Greger, How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease

Dr. Greger is a physician, author, and internationally recognized speaker on nutrition, food safety, and public health issues. A founding member and Fellow of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, Dr. Greger is licensed as a general practitioner specializing in clinical nutrition. Currently he proudly serves as the public health director at the Humane Society of the United States. Dr. Greger is a graduate of the Cornell University School of Agriculture and the Tufts University School of Medicine.