Hell & High Water, with Meria and Chuck Ochelli. Todays topic is the environment. What is a patriot? Are you a patriot for humanity? Iowa Farmers & trump; laws and freedoms apply to all;trump is an open enemy of the environment;Fukushima;nuke plants;Indian Point and 9/11;endangered species act gutted;climate changes;Pompeo;Calvinism;religious distortions;Steve Wozniak & f/b;what are the two most important issues we face? destruction of …
The Plutocracy Report – 04.13.18
The sixth show of the Plutocracy Report, Vince gets right in to Syria and the alleged chemical attack. Then he talks about good journalists and how we may be losing our freedom to information soon if we don’t fight for it now. He then draws an example of what we did to Libya in 2011 and how the mass media …
Alternative Visions -US Economy’s ‘Triple Witching’ Hour: Budget bill, Fed Rate Hikes, China Trade War -03.23.18
Dr. Rasmus looks at three major economic events of the past week: the Trump $1.3 trillion budget bill, the Fed’s latest rate hike (with 6 more coming 2018-19), and the Trade War he launched last week which (as I predicted on this show last week) was really an opening salvo in trade negotiations with China (not Europe, Mexico-Canada, Latin America, …
Resistance Radio – Guest: George Wuerthner – 03.18.18
George Wuerthner is the former Ecological Projects Director for the Foundation for Deep Ecology. He is an ecologist and wildlands activist. He has published 38 books on environmental issues and natural history including such environmentally focused books as Welfare Ranching, Wildfire, Thrillcraft, Energy and most recently Protecting the Wild. Today we talk about the dangers of environmental collaboration. Download …
Nine days striking isn’t the longest walk-out you will see. But, when you do that in defiance of the law, whoa, now that’s showing some spine. I kick off the podcast with a chat with the president of the West Virginia Education Association, Dale Lee, to get a read on what we can learn from the teachers’ victory. I, then, …
Global Alert News – 03.14.18
The weather makers continue to fully unleash their fury on the planet, further fueling accelerating climate chaos. Rapidly unfolding weather events and scenarios around the world will soon make climate engineering denial all but impossible to maintain even for the most programmed individuals in society. The parade of completely engineered East Coast “winter storms” has continued along with the associated …
Progressive Commentary Hour – 03.07.18
CONVERSATIONS WITH REMARKABLE MINDS The psychology and swerve in the reality and threats of climate change, malignant normality, our resilience to survive, and he legacy of one of America’s great minds. I am honored to invite tonight’s guest and one of our Great Minds — Dr. Robert Jay Lifton. Dr Lifton is a distinguished pioneering psychiatrist and a long time anti-nuclear …
Let’s Create A Better World – 02.15.18
The answer to how we can slow down, and even stop global warming, which is also known as climate change. Climate change is a deadly throughout the world. Our guest, Jane Veloz-Mitchell is a nationally known hard hitting TV reporter. The show also discusses the vegan life style and animal rights, of which Jane is a very involved activist. She …
Global Alert News – 02.10.18
While the power structures scripted political theater of the absurd distracts much of the US population, the roller-coaster ride toward a lifeless planet continues to accelerate with each passing day. Will the “coldest on record” Superbowl temperatures (conditions created by the climate engineers) help to cover up the record warm temperatures at the North Pole (which are expected to be as much …
Project Censored – 01.02.18
On this special edition of the Project Censored Show, the co-editors of Poets Reading the News spend the hour looking back at some of the most important news stories of 2017, expressed via poetry. Elle Aviv Newton and Jenna Spagnolo present a dozen poems, each read by its author, addressing issues from gun violence to opiod deaths to global warming. …