Let’s Create A Better World – 04.30.16

We have two guests on the show. The first talks about food, water and how environmental change is playing a major role in the negative effects our food is having on us and the world in which we live. The second guest discusses overcoming alcohol addiction and living a healthy, “Soulfully Aware” life. Our first guest is Kari Hamerschlag, senior program manager for “Friends of the Earth”. www.FOE.org She speaks about the harmful affects our current food and water supply are having on us and our environment. Furthermore, she discusses Food, Water, Agriculture, Climate Change and Biodiversity. Our second guest, Natalie Rountree, is an advocate for bringing awareness to the pain and struggles of women, mothers and others facing addiction to alcohol or in recovery. She is the founder of “Sober Living Soulful Living” www.SoberLivingSoulfulLiving.com which focuses on inspiring and encouraging those in recovery from alcoholism. Natalie has aided hundreds of people in their recovery since 2008 and continues to inspire thousands more daily with her story, her blogs, public speaking events, Facebook page, podcasts and more.

Connect The Dots – William Waren and Benjamin Schreiber – 04.27.16

How the TPP Overrules Paris Climate Agreements and Escalates Climate Change: Listen to Friends of the Earth’s William Waren and Benjamin Schreiber in conversation with Alison Rose Levy about why environmentalists may be celebrating prematurely. If the current election cycle assures the passage of the TPP and other trade deals, climate chaos will ensue.

Let’s Create A Better World – 04.23.16

John Fox is an outspoken leader of Friends of the Earth and talks about many issues affecting us in the environment and the world around us. John’s group, Friends of the Earth, is coming off a major demonstration attended by 1,000’s on Saturday April 16th, 2016. In protest and confrontation with the police over 200 demonstrated were arrested including our guest John Fox. Several hundred activist groups of all types attended in support of the rally including the leading group Friends of the Earth.

John’s group is not a traditional environmental group. Instead they are an activist group that is fighting for the rights of the planet for all us and this beautiful earth of ours. John seeks to change the perception of the public, media and policy makers — and effect policy change — with hard-hitting, well-reasoned policy analysis and advocacy campaigns that describe what needs to be done, rather than what is seen as politically feasible or politically correct.

Topics discussed include climate Change, food, water, the air we breathe, demonstration of the devastation going on with forests and oceans and more.

Friends of the Earth:

The Gary Null Show – 04.22.16

Today is Earth Day and we have a special “The Gary Null Show” with great world guests discuss Earth. Here is a little about them:

Guest 1:

Dr. Vandana Shiva is an internationally renowned environmental and social activist and a leading pioneer behind India’s ecological and eco-feminism movement. Dr. Shiva is the founder of Navdanya – an organization dedicated to the restoration of organic farming across India and the preservation of indigenous knowledge and culture. For several decades, Vandana has fought for changes in agricultural practices and food security. She has traveled the world speaking on behalf of women’s rights and against biopiracy, globalization and patenting of indigenous knowledge by large agricultural and pharmaceutical corporations. Her activist efforts have created grassroots organizations throughout the developing world to counter GMOs and empower women. She has received numerous international awards, including the Alternative Nobel Prize (the Right Livelihood Award), the UNEP’s Global 500 Award and the UN’s Earth Day International Award. Among her many important books are “Earth Democracy: Justice, Sustainability and Peace” and most recently “Staying Alive: Women, Ecology and Development” Her websites are VandanaShiva.com and Navdanya.org

Guest 2:

Derrick Jensen has become one of the nation’s leading voices of cultural and environmental dissent, who writes on how civilization is devastating the environment and the natural world, and our society’s denial of that fact. Utne Reader listed Derrick among the 50 visionaries changing the world. In sharp contrast to environmental optimists who believe working within the corporate system will offset the tenuous planetary balance threatened by climate change, Derrick has advocated for many years a “dismantling of civilization” which can include radical dissent as well as imparting wisdom to our children.

Derrick has written many books including “The Derrick Jensen Reader: Writings on Environmental Revolution” and his forthcoming “The Myth of Human Supremacy” will be released next month. He also hosts a weekly radio program, Resistance Radio, on the Progressive Radio Network every Sunday evening at 6:00 pm Eastern time. His website is www.DerrickJensen.org

The Gary Null Show – 04.14.16

On today’s “The Gary Null Show” here are the topics and article links to what Gary discussed and helped you with:

Lower-carb diet slows growth of aggressive brain tumor in mouse models

Are we falling off the climate precipice? Scientists consider extinction

Food will be very expensive since nothing will be growing outside

Only 60 years of farming left if soil degradation continues

Selenium in the prevention of Cancer

White button mushrooms may be able to lower PSA levels

Blueberries and strawberries reduce cognitive impairment in older adults

Gary gives you a tease of the Friday April 15, 2016 Show only on PRN.FM. Then he returns to the show with:

Oil Industry’s suppression of Climate science began in 1940s, Documents reveal

Gary introduced his guest, Brendan Kelly. Here is Brendan’s bio:

Brendan Kelly is the co-founder of Jade Mountain Wellness center in Burlington Vermont where he currently has a Chinese medical practice established. For the past 25 years Brendan has been nationally involved in environmental issues, lecturing on Chinese medicine, Western herbalism, personal health, climate change and sustainable lifestyles, including at the University of Vermont, Yale, Goddard and other universities. He also teaches at Johnson State College and the Academy of Five Element Acupuncture. Brendan is the author of the recent “Yin and Yang of Climate Crisis: Healing Personal, Cultural and Ecological Imbalance with Chinese Medicine”, which explores the underpinning imbalances that exist between our own busy modern lives and the outer effects of climate change due to anthropocentric causal factors based upon the principles of Chinese medicine and philosophy. His websites are PersonalAsEcological.com and JadeMtWellness.com

Video: Smoke And Fumes: An Introduction to the Deep History of Oil and Climate Change

William Robinson will be joining the show tomorrow

Visualizing The Energy & Mineral Riches Of The Arctic

The Arctic has been the fascination of many people for centuries. Hundreds of years ago, the Europeans saw the Arctic’s frigid waters as a potential gateway to the Pacific. The region has also been home to many unique native cultures such as the Inuits and Chukchi. Lastly, it goes without saying that the Arctic is unsurpassed in many aspects of …

Progressive Commentary Hour – 04.12.16

GUEST 1: Ellen Brown

Ellen Brown is an economist and attorney in Los Angeles who is now the founder of the Public Banking Institute – a non profit economic venture to find viable, sustainable solutions to America’s banking crises by promoting people-owned state and community banks. Last year she ran as the Green Party candidate for California State’s Treasurer. Ellen has written extensively about the private financial cartels and the Federal Reserve. Her recent book, “The Public Bank Solution: From Austerity to Prosperity”, introduces a safe soluble public banking alternative to the credit-based system of the current big banks. Her writings also frequently appear on the website of the Center for Global Research, where she is a research associate.

She is the host of the radio program Its Our Money, heard every Wednesday at 3 pm Eastern here on the Progressive Radio Network, and her website is WebOfDebt.com

GUEST 2: Guy McPherson

Dr. Guy McPherson is a professor emeritus of Natural Resources, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Arizona. He has specialized in forest resources, energy decline and climate change and its economic consequences. In the past he has also taught at Texas A&M and University of California at Berkeley. Having become disillusioned with the American university environment and academia, and after attempts by university officials to silence his outspokenness about the human causes of climate change, Guy abandoned his tenured position as a full professor for ethical reasons of conscience. He is the author of several books, the latest entitled “Extinction Dialogs: How to Live with Death in Mind.” He is also the co-host with Mikey Silwa of the radio program Nature Bats Last heard every Tuesday afternoon at 3 pm Eastern time on the Progressive Radio Network. His website is GuyMcpherson.com