Dr Gideon Polya – Paris Climate Agreement Betrays Humanity Which Must Apply Boycotts, Divestment And Sanctions (BDS) Against Climate Criminal People, Corporations & Countries

The weak, non-binding  and dishonest Paris Climate Agreement will have delighted climate criminal and war criminal nations likeSaudi Arabia, the US and US lackey Australia, but has betrayed our children, grandchildren, future generations, the Developing World, Humanity and the Biosphere – the target of 1.5 to 2 degrees C is both unavoidable and catastrophic and key matters are non-binding.  The Paris betrayal demands a peaceful, …

Dylan Matthews – America’s biggest housing program is run by the IRS, and it’s a huge giveaway to rich people

The mortgage interest tax deduction is a garbage policy. It’s hugely regressive: 52 percent of the benefit goes to the richest 10 percent of Americans, and only 0.1 percent of the benefit goes to the poorest 20 percent. The deduction is supposed to encourage homeownership, but economists Edward Glaeser and Jesse Shapiro have found that it overwhelmingly goes to rich …

Fear, Anger and Hatred: The Rise of Germany’s New Right

For years, a sense of disillusionment has been growing on the right. Now, the refugee crisis has magnified that frustration. Increasingly, people from the very center of society are identifying with the movement — even as political debate coarsens and violence increases. By SPIEGEL Staff Martin Bahrmann, a local politician in the Saxon town of Meissen, was just preparing to …

Paris climate deal: reaction from the experts

The agreement is extremely welcome. However, we should also be cautious. It is clear that the 1C temperature rise over pre-industrial levels that we have seen so far has triggered a whole range of effects including melting of mountain glaciers, significant sea-level rise, devastating droughts, and flooding. These effects are likely to get much worse with even modest future increases. …

Joe Conason – What Corporate America Would Do If It Really Cared About Climate Change

Republican Congressional leaders in both houses know they can continue to lie and deny on climate, so long as the nation’s business leaders fail to demand change. Much as the world must hope that the governments assembled in Paris achieve their objectives, at the very least they have provided an occasion for business leaders of all descriptions to announce their …

Dane Wigington – US Government Places “Gag Order” on Weather Agency Employees, Inserts Geoengineering Propaganda into ‘Common Core’ Syllabus

Government Implements Illegal “Gag Order” on National Weather Service and NOAA Employees The power structure is beginning to panic as the public wakes up to the criminal climate engineering insanity. The growing police state is completely out of control and becoming unimaginably blatant with their actions. In recent weeks Washington has placed “gag orders”on the employees of “The National Weather Service” …

Uncertainty Sown: Why Americans Don’t Care Enough About Climate Change

New polling suggests that deliberate spread of climate denialism is working Despite the overwhelming evidence that global warming poses an existential threat to planetary life as well as the growing global consensus that it is something we should be “very” concerned about, new polling released this week finds that Americans are way behind when it comes to taking the issue of climate …

Greenpeace Sting Exposes Climate-Denying Academics-for-Hire

Professors from major U.S. institutions agreed to write reports promoting the benefits of CO2—and said they did not need to disclose fossil fuel funding As climate change deniers face growing scrutiny and skepticism, a new undercover investigation by the environmental group Greenpeace shines new light on academics-for-hire, who are willing to accept secret payments from fossil fuel companies to sow doubt …