Nature Bats Last – 12.01.15

Mike and Guy interviewed Gail “the Actuary” Tverberg for her well-informed perspective on economic collapse. We included on an extensive climate-change update and comments about COP21 in Paris.

Jeff Tollefson – Is the 2 °C world a fantasy?

The year is 2100 and the world looks nothing like it did when global leaders gathered for the historic climate summit in Paris at the end of 2015. Nearly 8.8 billion people now crowd the planet. Energy consumption has nearly doubled, and economic production has increased more than sevenfold. Vast disparities in wealth remain, but governments have achieved one crucial goal: …

Dr. Ludwig Watzal – Has The Zionist Lobby Hijacked The US Congress?

When US President Barack Obama and Israel’s Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu met the other day in Washington they tried to get along fairly well. The fundamental conflict between the US superpower and its political client state was watered down and rhetorically whitewashed. Obama has put up a brave front because he thinks of the day after leaving the White House …


The House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space, and Technology wants to know what government scientists say about climate change. Not what they say in public, of course—you don’t need a subpoena to read the many reports the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has published on the pressing problem of global warming. No, the congressional body tasked with overseeing the nation’s …

Tim Radford – Birds and reptiles feel the survival heat

A series of new scientific reports highlights yet again the threats that climate change and rising temperatures are posing for many species. LONDON, 7 November, 2015 – The gloriously-coloured forest birds of Hawaii may lose at least half their living space because of climate change, according to new research. And soaring global temperatures mean that many of the world’s lizards …

Monsanto Wins Rubber Dodo Award

Monsanto, producer and seller of Roundup and its toxic active ingredient glyphosate, is the recipient of the Center for Biological Diversity’s 2015 Rubber Dodo Award, given annually to those who have done the most to destroy wild places, species and biological diversity. Glyphosate is now used in more than 160 countries, and more than one billion pounds are applied each …

Leid Stories – 11.05.15

Who’s In, Who’s Out?: Debating U.S. Immigration Policy and ‘Reform’
There is no unanimity of agreement on just what U.S. immigration policy should be. There absolutely is agreement, however, that the U.S. immigration system is broken and in dire need of repair.
Immigration has become a hot-button issue in the current political season—complete with blatantly xenophobic, racist undertones—but we are no closer to sane policy and much-demanded “reform.”
Leid Stories encourages a discussion among listeners on what immigration is/should be, its impact and special challenges, and what might work as improvements to current policies.

Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway – A Brief History of Climate Denialism

In the late 1970s, scientists first came to a consensus that global warming was likely to result from increasing greenhouse gases released by the burning of fossil fuels. This idea had been around since the turn of the century, but the development of computer models made it possible to make quantitative predictions. Almost immediately, a small group of politically connected …