Vancouver Considers Abandoning Parts of the Coast Because of Climate Change

Vancouver prides itself on being a coastal city, nestled between the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific. Like every other part of the world, it’s under threat from climate change, as warming temperatures cause sea levels to creep ever-higher. The city is looking at many options to hold back the rising water—and for the first time, retreat from the coast is …

BEVERLY JAMES – Nature already dramatically impacted by climate change, study reveals

Global climate change has already impacted every aspect of life on Earth, from genes to entire ecosystems, according to a new University of Florida study. The paper appears today in the journal Science. “We now have evidence that, with only a ~1 degree Celsius of warming globally, major impacts are already being felt in natural systems,” said study lead author …

SARAH EMERSON – Kids Win the Right to Sue the US Government Over Climate Change

A bright speck of climate news was quickly overshadowed by the presidential election this week—America’s children have officially won the right to sue their government over global warming. Yesterday, a lawsuit filed by 21 youth plaintiffs was ruled valid by US District Judge Ann Aiken in Eugene, Oregon. A group of citizens, whose ages range from nine to 20, charged …

Nika Knight – U.S. a Rogue State if Trump Gets Wish on Climate Deal, Says UN Envoy

The United States will be a “rogue country” if President-elect Donald Trump successfully pulls out of the Paris climate accord, said United Nations envoy and international human rights advocate Mary Robinson to Reuters Sunday. Robinson, former president of Ireland, said: “It would be a tragedy for the United States and the people of the United States if the U.S. becomes …

Climate change ripples through life on Earth

Climate change is affecting most life on Earth, despite an average global temperature increase of just 1oC, say leading international scientists in a study published today in Science. The scientific team, including researchers from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies (Coral CoE), The University of Queensland and the Queensland Museum in Australia, identified key ecological processes necessary …

Record hot year may be the new normal by 2025

The hottest year on record globally in 2015 could be an average year by 2025 and beyond if carbon emissions continue to rise at the same rate, new research has found. Lead author Dr Sophie Lewis from the ANU Fenner School of Environment and Society said human activities had already locked in this new normal for future temperatures, but immediate …

Tim Radford – Arctic Warming Gives U.S. and Europe the Chills

LONDON—Warming in the Arctic—one of the fastest-warming regions on the planet—could be heightening the chances of extreme winters in Europe and the US. As the Arctic warms, the stratospheric jet stream that brings occasionally catastrophic ice storms and record snow falls to the eastern United States could also be on the move, according to new research in the journal Nature …

The Gary Null Show – 10.28.16

Today Gary Null has an impact one hour program for you. Gary opens up the program with some of the latest news in health, healing and the environment. Before going to his guest, Gary opens up the audio vault to play some much needed clips on Hilary Clinton, and a piece by George Carlin. Gary has Tom Toleson the program to talk about How climate change denial is threatening our planet and destroying our politics. Tom Toles is the Pulitzer Prize-winning political Editorial Cartoonist and writer for the Washington Post who focuses on progressive issues – in particular climate change and its denial. He has previously been the Editorial Cartoonist for US News and World Report, The New Republic magazine, The New York Daily News, and others. He has drawn a syndicated comic strip, Curious Avenue, and a syndicated comic panel, Randolph Itch. His Awards include the Pulitzer Prize, the National Cartoonists’ Society Best Editorial Cartoons, the Mencken Award Best Editorial cartoon, and many more. Along with Prof Michael Mann – a distinguished professor of atmospheric science at Penn State University’s Earth Systems Science Center, he is author of the recent “The Madhouse Effect: How Climate Change Denial is Threatening Our Planet, Destroying our Politics and Driving Us Crazy” published by Columbia University Press – which is one of the most assessable books for people uniformed about of the challenges associated with climate change, global warming and its high risk stakes.