How wetlands and agriculture, not fossil fuels, could be causing a global rise in methane

Research published in the American Geophysical Union’s journal Global Biogeochemical Cycles shows that recent rises in levels of methane in our atmosphere is being driven by biological sources, such as swamp gas, cow burps, or rice fields, rather than fossil fuel emissions. Atmospheric methane is a major greenhouse gas that traps heat in our atmosphere, contributing to global warming. Its levels have …

Leid Stories—One of These Things Is Not Like the Others, But A Godly Hillary Knows the Pain—10.03.16

She had tried to use the Sept. 20 police killing of 43-year-old Keith Lamont Scott in Charlotte, N.N., as a campaign photo op and backdrop for her proposals for “end-to-end” reforms. But Mayor Jennifer Roberts asked both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, Clinton’s main opponent in the presidential race, to hold off on plans to visit Charlotte so as not to further inflame tense reactions to Scott’s death.

Jill Suttie – How to Raise an Environmentalist

We read it in the news every day. From climate change to overfishing to deforestation, it seems that we are on the brink of a natural disaster on an epic scale. If we cannot do something to reverse these trends, we will surely make our planet uninhabitable. But how do we encourage people—especially our kids—to care more and take action? …

Graham Readfearn – How climate science deniers can accept so many ‘impossible things’ all at once

Sometimes, climate science deniers will tell you that we can’t predict global temperatures in the future. Sometimes, they’ll say we’re heading for an ice age. Occasionally, contrarians will say that no single weather event can prove human-caused global warming. But then they’ll point to somewhere that’s cold, claiming this disproves climate change. Often, deniers will tell you that temperature records …

Justin Gardner – No Medical Value? US Govt Has Been Funding This Israeli Cannabis Researcher For 50 Years

As many Americans approach November 4 with a sense of dread, facing the fact that either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton will be the next president, much more hopeful things will be going on that day. Residents in at least nine states will be voting on ballot initiatives to legalize recreational or medical cannabis use. Considering the tide of public …

Want to Slow Climate Change? Stop Having Babies

Carbon dioxide doesn’t kill climates; people do. And the world would be better off with fewer of them. That’s a glib summary of a serious and seriously provocative book by Travis Rieder, a moral philosophy professor and bioethicist at Johns Hopkins University. When economists write about climate change, they’ll often bring up something called the Kaya identity—basically a multiplication problem (not an espionage novel) that helps …

Lauren McCauley – The New, New Climate Math: 17 Years to Get Off Fossil Fuels, Or Else

Though it may not have seemed possible, climate catastrophe is even closer than previously thought, with new figures released Thursday finding that—when the wells already drilled, pits dug, and pipelines built, are taken under consideration—we are well on our way to going beyond 2°C of warming. “If you’re in a hole, stop digging,” begins the study, put forth by the …


After assuming Hillary Clinton would coast to victory, Democrats are shocked to find that she is in a virtual tie with Donald Trump in the polls. Trump in fact leads in a number of key swing states, like Florida and Ohio. The New York Times roamed New York’s Upper West Side, a liberal bastion, and discovered Democrats freaking out. ‘It’s like someone …

Climate change ‘significant and direct’ threat to U.S. military: reports

The effects of climate change endanger U.S. military operations and could increase the danger of international conflict, according to three new documents endorsed by retired top U.S. military officers and former national security officials. “There are few easy answers, but one thing is clear: the current trajectory of climatic change presents a strategically-significant risk to U.S. national security, and inaction …

Stanley L Cohen – Harder times for Palestine if Clinton wins US election

Have the Palestinians ever faced a worse American electoral season? A sociopathic, New York “strong-man” narcissist versus a neo-liberal Zionist: whoever succeeds – and anything can happen this time – we know it won’t be good for Palestine. Both candidates gave almost identical speeches to the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee’s (AIPAC) convention this spring. The temptation is to think Republican Donald Trump – …