Leid Stories – Feds Probing Clinton Foundation Ex-Board Member; The Clintons, Too? – 05.24.16

In a startling development related to yesterday’s program about the Clinton Foundation, news broke that Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D-Virginia)—a close friend and political ally of Bill and Hillary Clinton and a former member of the foundation’s board—is the target of a joint FBI-U.S. Justice Department investigation, allegedly for taking illegal campaign contributions.

The probe speaks directly to the issue our guest, former Wall Street banker and investor Charles K. Ortel, returns to today: the highly questionable fundraising practices of the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation.

Ortel blew the whistle on General Electric in 2007-2008, after his own investigation of the financial records of the conglomerate revealed it had fraudulently overvalued its stock. Ortel says his own examination of the Clinton foundation’s financial records leads him to believe it is engaging in massive fraud under the guise of a philanthropic organization.

Haitian-born journalist Dady Chery, author of the recently published We Have Dared to Be Free: Haiti’s Struggle Against Occupation, has written extensively on developments in Haiti and emerging nations for News Junkie Post. She joins Ortel in discussing the Clintons’ sordid history in Haiti.

Pam Martens and Russ Martens – A Harvard MBA Guy Is Out to Bring Down the Clintons

There’s a new Markopolos in town with that same brand of leave-no-stone-unturned tenacity and he has his sights set on the charity operations of Hillary and Bill Clinton, known as the Clinton Foundation and its myriad tentacles. Ortel’s actions come just as Hillary Clinton makes her final sprint for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States with Bill …

Brandon Turbeville – The Clinton Economy Is the Wal-Mart Economy

If any corporate donation can accurately predict the direction in which a Hillary Clinton presidency would take the American economy, it would be the sizeable donations made by Wal-Mart executives.  As early as 2013, Alice Walton, heiress to the Wal-Mart fortune, donated the maximum allowed amount ($25,000) to the Ready For Hillary PAC. [1] The Clinton Foundation has also received a sizeable amount …

Paul Craig Roberts – President Killary

This is an English translation of an article that I wrote for the German magazine, Compact. I was encouraged by the high level of intelligent discourse that Compact brings to its readers. If only the US had more people capable of reaching beyond entertainment to comprehending the forces that affect them, there might be some hope for America. Compact brings hope to Germany. The …

Progressive Commentary Hour – 02.23.16

Gary discusses Hilary Clinton and all the different scandals she has been involved in. Here are just a few of those scandals:

Clintons turn IRS into ‘gestapo’

Looting the White House

Filegate: FBI files on GOP enemies

Vince Foster’s 1993 death

Chinagate: Sale of high-tech secrets

Whitewater: Jail for friends, but not Clintons

Landing under sniper fire’ in Bosnia

Pardongate: Hillary Senate contributions

Hill ca$hes in: Iranian fundraising

Clinton Foundation: Scandals keep coming

Benghazi: 4 American lives lost

Stephen Lendman – Hillary Clinton: A Deplorable Choice for President. “The Most Dangerous of the Bunch”

Among an array of deplorable Republican and Democrat presidential aspirants, Clinton stands out as the most dangerous and sinister of the bunch – an unrequited war goddess, risking nuclear confrontation if elected. Her record in office and since leaving government shows support for imperial lawlessness, indifference to human suffering, and addiction to self-aggrandizement, along with using her high office to …

How Hillary Clinton Abused Her State Department Role To Help Her Hedge Funder Son-In-Law

While Hillary Clinton may have had some entertaining problems when using her Blackberry (or was that iPad) as US Secretary of State, one thing she excelled at was nepotism. According to the latest set of emails released by the State Department, and first reported by the Daily Caller, Hillaryintervened in a request forwarded by her son-in-law, Marc Mezvisnky, on behalf of a deep-sea …

J. TAYLOR RUSHING – Clinton foundation takes in $178 million a year as donors pile on to show support for Hillary – and Chelsea ally got $532,000 to run it

The 17-year-old Clinton Foundation took in a whopping $178 million in donations in 2014, tax filings this week have shown, leaving the massive, New York-based charity group with the largest cash reserves in its history. The global group had $354 million in reserves at the end of the year, with only $22 million in liabilities, with much of it organized …

David A. Graham – A Quick Guide to the Questions About Clinton Cash

Après Schweizer, le déluge. At the start of the week, The New York Times revealed that Peter Schweizer, a Republican researcher, was close to publishing a book delving into the financial dealings of the Clinton Foundation. The book focuses on how donations from foreign governments to the Clinton Foundation correlated with favorable decisions from the State Department while Hillary Clinton …