Kevin Zeese – Living In The Illusion Of Democracy

The United States is in the peak of the very long election year. The presidential debates are running in full swing. The media is deep into coverage of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. And, the people are feeling unrepresented. In this environment it can be hard to step back and see the full picture. We’ve published many articles that describe the oligarchic plutocracy – …

MICHAEL J. SAINATO – How the Payday Loan Industry is Obstructing Reform

In June 2016, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau proposed new guidelines to protect consumers from payday loan traps. These traps help perpetuate the cycle of poverty and prey on individuals in low income communities who are unable to obtain loans from a bank. The multi-billion-dollar payday lending industry has garnered influence with both Republicans and Democrats in order to inoculate itself from …

ANDREW LEVINE – America’s New Demons and the Second Coming of the Neocons

The horror of a Clinton v. Trump election is making everybody who pays attention a little crazy. Not paying attention isn’t easy – not with everybody hooked into social (actually anti-social) media and with“ news” and commentary coming from every direction. The hypocrisy is breathtaking.In the midst of it all, the American propaganda system, the one that supposedly doesn’t exist, …

Which Democrat Should Replace Hillary?

Suppose the unthinkable took place, and Hillary Clinton was forced for health reasons to step down as the Democratic presidential nominee. Who do Democrats think should take her place? The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 48% of Likely Democratic Voters believe Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, Clinton’s primary rival, should be their party’s nominee if health …

Leid Stories—Haiti’s Catastrophic 2010 Earthquake A Seismic Boost to the Clintons’ Political Ambitions—09.27.16

Americans continue to hold the view, according to major polls, that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is “untrustworthy.” Most Haitians—in the United States, Haiti and the Haitian diaspora—would say that characterization is an understatement. For, Hillary and husband Bill have done Haiti grievous wrongs, they’d say, and have done grievous wrongs in Haiti.

Adele M. Stan – 12 Ways Gary Johnson Is a Hardcore Right-Wing Radical

A recent NBC News/Quinnipiac poll reveals that more than a quarter [3] of young voters—many who had supported the presidential bid of Sen. Bernie Sanders—plan to cast their presidential ballots for Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson. Democrats are increasingly nervous that Johnson’s candidacy could pull more voters from Hillary Clinton than from her Republican rival, Donald Trump, especially in key states like Colorado …

Kevin Gosztola – Your Vote For Jill Stein Is Not A Wasted Vote

When Jill Stein ran as the Green Party’s presidential nominee in 2012, media attention to her candidacy was rare. Now, with two of the most unpopular presidential candidates in history, she has received widespread attention. There seems to be record interest in third party campaigns, including Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson. The Nation published a debate between Socialist Seattle City …

STAN COX – If There’s a World War II-Style Climate Mobilization, It has to Go All the Way—and Then Some

As global warming has surged this year, so too has America’s ambition for heroic climate action. Politicians, economists, and activists have been looking to America’s astonishing mobilization for World War II as a model for victory in the twenty-first century’s great climate emergency. This spring, Senator Bernie Sanders called for a World War II-scale climate mobilization at the CNN presidential …

Meria Heller – Jim Fetzer – 09.18.16

Roaring Truth with Meria and Jim Fetzer. Suing Saudi Arabia for 9/11 – Obama to veto bill;9/11 and the Jersey girls;9/11 “Commission”; America nuked on 9/11; the twin towers;Bldg 7-classic demolition;dust samples-radioactive elements;radiation illnesses;Christie Whitmans apology 15 yrs later;John ONeill & Bin Laden;the 47 core columns excluded from movies;Jill Stein on 9/11;Lincoln to JFK to 9/11 cover ups;Trump; Hillary’s double? Will the election be called off? Will Hillary be replaced? clones; the film “Bananas”; Hussein’s doubles;Putin’s favorite chauffeur murdered and lots more.

Sarah Lazare – Trump and Clinton Roll Out Welcome Mat for Egyptian Junta Leader

The presidential candidates of both major political parties sought to flaunt their foreign policy credentials Monday by holding personal meetings with Egyptian junta leader Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, who has overseen a violent crackdown on political dissent, including large-scale massacres of protesters. Following their meeting on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly, Donald Trump showered effusive praise on the …