Fort Russ – Putin vs. Bilderberg: “Do you want another Cuban Missile Crisis?”

The most important information event of Friday was Vladimir Putin’s interview with Bloomberg, in which the Russian president touched on key issues on the global information agenda. I am sure that dozens of publications are going over this interview and discussing every question and answer in it, but I want to propose to you, dear friends, to look at this …

James Grundvig – The Militarization of the CDC Zika, Money, Quarantine Power

In yet another end-round play by the Obama Administration, on Friday of Labor Day weekend where hot topics are dumped (Hillary Clinton’s email interview with the FBI) to go die before the next news cycle begins, it was announced that $300 million in “public health emergency” funding was earmarked for Japan’s Takeda to manufacture a new Zika vaccine. No need …

T. Colin Campbell – Nutrition, Politics, and the Destruction of Scientific Integrity

On August 1, it will be 60 years since I came to Cornell University to do graduate studies in nutritional biochemistry on the topic of food and health. What a journey this became! In my early days, the focus on good nutrition emphasized the consumption of protein. So it was with me and my professors. The more protein the better. …

Andrea Germanos – Stiglitz Blasts ‘Outrageous’ TPP as Obama Campaigns for Corporate-Friendly Deal

Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz has reiterated his opposition to the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), saying on Tuesday that President Barack Obama’s push to get the trade deal passed during the upcoming lame-duck session of Congress is “outrageous” and “absolutely wrong.” Stiglitz, an economics professor at Columbia University and chief economist of the Roosevelt Institute, made the comments on CNN‘s …

Project Censored – 08.22.16

Mickey speaks with two authors in the new “Hot Books” series. First, Nicholas Schou discusses
“Spooked: How the CIA Manipulates the Media and Hoodwinks Hollywood.” Then Alexander Zaitchik
describes his study of Trump voters, “Gilded Rage: A Wild Ride Through Donald Trump’s America.”
Also on hand for the hour is author David Talbot, the founder and editorial director of Hot Books;
he explains its mission, and describes some of the other titles in the Hot Books series.

DAVID DALEY – The Real Way the 2016 Election Is Rigged

Hillary Clinton has put the Electoral College into checkmate. She’s closer to Donald Trump in many red states like Kansas and Texas than he is to her in key swing states. As her lead swells, naturally, fired-up Democrats and a restless media have turned their attention to a more exciting story: Can Democrats retake the House of Representatives? But the …


Mark speaks with Gary Shulman, one of the leading disability advocates in the nation where his dynamic workshops and trainings have inspired and educated tens of thousands of educational professionals and parents of children with disabilities. Hear why everyone who hears Gary loves Gary. A Canadian commercial for the Paraylmypics is a smash success due to the incredible footage capturing unparalleled athleticism and uniquely talented persons with disabilities. Mark plays the audio description version of this 3 minute jaw dropping commercial allowing persons with low vision or blindness to also enjoy the experience and awe inspiring feeling. Also, a letter to Trump on his beyond incomprehensible mocking behavior of NY Times reporter Serge Kovaleski.

Trends This Week – The Global Market Spikes And What’s Next? – 08.17.16

Global equity markets are spiking. Records are being broken. Why? Is it strong Gross Domestic Product increases among the world’s leading economies… the United States, China, Japan and eurozone nations that are driving the frenzy? Gerald Celente provides the fact-based context behind these economic trend lines. He also shares some thoughts on presidential candidate Donald Trump’s stumbling campaign and how the media treat him vs. Hillary Clinton, especially CNN, the Clinton News Network.

Kieran Cooke – Anthrax strikes in rapidly thawing Arctic

Record high temperatures in Arctic Russia are believed to be one of the main factors behind the emergence of the deadly anthrax disease in northwestern Siberia. LONDON, 15 August, 2016 – A full-scale medical emergency has broken out in the Yamal region of Siberia, with troops from the Russian army’s special biological warfare unit spearheading efforts to contain an outbreak of anthrax. A 12-year-old …