Paul Craig Roberts – How Long Can Economic Reality Be Ignored?

Trump and Hitlery have come out with the obligatory “economic plans.” Neither them nor their advisors, have any idea about what really needs to be done, but this is of no concern to the media. The presstitutes operate according to “pay and say.” They say what they are paid to say and that is whatever serves the corporations and the …

The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 08.10.16

Gina Nikkel PhD is President and CEO of the Foundation for Excellence in Mental Health Care. It funds a broad array of very positive mental health approaches such as Open Dialogue, the Hearing Voices movement, Continuing Education that actually educates, and even nutritional approaches. If you have a good idea of your own, you might even be able to get help or direction through the Fund and if you have money, there are wonderful projects that need your donations. Support the Foundation for Excellence in Mental Health Care—it’s our future!

Rob Kall – Assange Confirms: Murdered DNC staffer was Wikileaks’ source

In July, DNC staffer Seth Rich was gunned down in northwest D.C.  Police said his murder may have been the result of a robbery.Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is saying there is more to the story. In an interview with a Dutch media outlet known as Nieuwsuur on Tuesday, Assange admitted that Rich, a staffer in the voter data department of the DNC, was Wikileak’s source within the organization. Read more

Tom Engelhardt – The Greatest Show on Earth

Yep, it finally happened. In early May, after a long, long run, the elephants of the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus were ushered into retirement in Florida where they will finish their days aiding cancer research. The Greatest Show on Earth was done with its pachyderms.  The same might be said about the Republicans after Donald Trump’s version of a …

David Weigel – Third-party candidates lose legal fight to get into presidential debates

A long-shot lawsuit by the Libertarian and Green Party candidates for president has been tossed out by a federal judge, lowering the odds of a third-party candidate making it into this year’s televised debates. “We are exploring our options, with the firm resolve that this case and the larger issue of fair debates are too important to simply allow such an arbitrary dismissal,” said …

Leid Stories—Wanted: Your Keen Analysis of the Zillion Ways The Duopoly Drove Us Crazy This Week—08.05.16

Soooo much to talk about—a week in which just about everything and everyone in politics went off the deep end. As survivors of the madness, it falls us to put things in [proper] perspective. Help keep the insidious mind benders at bay. Tell us what we need to know about their shenanigans. It’s “Free Your Mind Friday” on Leid Stories. …

Leid Stories—Election 2016: For Sanders Supporters and Other Progressives, Green Party or Bust?—08.04.16

At its Aug. 4-7 national convention in Houston, Texas, the Green Party of the United States officially will nominate its presidential candidate for the general election—all but certain to be physician Jill Stein—and tend to other vital election-year matters. Chief among them, no doubt, will be moving the party beyond its 0.36-percent share of the overall vote, when Stein headed the Green Party presidential ticket in 2012. Bernie Sanders’ full-throttled defection to Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party may be Stein’s good fortune, but even if that and widespread discontent with the political process were to bring new blood and interest to the party, is the Green Party prepared to do battle with the Duopoly?

Inder Comar – California Civil Law Suit against George W. Bush Et Al: DOJ Blocks Submission of Chilcot Report

It is important that those committed to peace and social justice take cognizance of this historic civil law suit directed against a former president of the United States including senior officials of his administration.   An Iraqi mother against alleged war criminal George W. Bush, et al. This is a civil suit. It seeks compensation. While it  does not contemplate a …

Thomas Palley – Betrayed Again, This Time By Unconvincing Arguments For The TPP

Voters of all stripes have recognized the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) as another betrayal of working people, and they have resoundingly rejected it. Despite that, President Obama continues to push it, to the extent of possibly seeking passage in a “lame duck” session of Congress. President Obama’s pushing of the TPP is recklessly irresponsible politics that benefits Donald Trump, who is …