INSTITUTE INDEX: How politicians helped create a climate of hate for LGBT people

Number of people killed in the June 12 massacre at Pulse, an LGBT dance club in Orlando, Florida, by a man who reportedly expressed animus toward LGBT people and who may have been a gay or bisexual person himself: 49 Number of people injured in the shooting, which took place on the club’s Latin-themed night and whose victims were overwhelmingly Latino: more than 50 Rank of …

Paul Fassa – Cannabis Remedies for Epilepsy Were Discovered and Buried in the 1940s

Applying low THC high CBD cannabis or cannabidiol successfully for seizures has become relatively widespread among families with children who are having chronic seizures, even several grand mal seizures daily. This awareness was greatly enhanced by an unusual mainstream August 2013 media report by CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta, M.D., called “Weed.” Since that report, high CBD (cannabidiol) low THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), …

Ann Jones – The Tyranny of Trump

Last fall, when presidential wannabe Donald Trump famously boastedon CNN that he would “be the best thing that ever happened to women,” some may have fallen for it. Millions of women, however, reacted with laughter, irritation, disgust, and no little nausea.  For while the media generate a daily fog of Trumpisms, speculating upon the meaning and implications of the man’s every …

Jake Johnson – Democrats Against Democracy, Self-Styled Progressives Against Progress

There are many important lessons to be gleaned from this year’s primary process, lessons that can have both positive and negative implications across the political spectrum — if, that is, they are taken to heart. They probably won’t be. But while much of the obsessive, gaffe-hungry media honed in on the circus that is the Republican Party, the Democratic Party will emerge from the …

The Clinton university scandal

Kudos to George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley for asking why the media aren’t asking about the $16.5 million paid to Bill Clinton by Laureate International Universities. For all the hundreds of stories on Trump University, nothing’s been written about the huge payments over 2010-2014 to the potential future first gentleman to serve as “honorary chancellor” of the vast …

JP Sottile – America Excels in Business of Death

Who says nothing is made in the USA anymore? Certainly not the well-heeled denizens of the State Department’s diplomatic corps. And they should know. That’s because they’re stationed on the frontlines of the ongoing battle to preserve Uncle Sam’s dominant market share of the global weapons trade. Luckily for the Military-Industrial Complex, it turns out that “Made in the USA” …

Madeleine Albright Unhinged Nutcase?

Madeleine Albright is alleged to have said on Friday on CNN of Hilary Clintons alleged use of an unsecured private server for her official email that: “She has said she made a mistake, and nobody is going to die as a result of anything that happened on emails.” I personally find this to be the most breathtaking stupidity and I …

Gaius Publius – Bernstein: The White House Is Terrified the Clinton Campaign “Is In Freefall”

The last time I featured former Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein on these pages, it was to showcase his delivery of messages he received from the White House, to the effect that the “White House” thought Clinton was blowing it with her Wall Street speeches stance, and because of that, the “White House” was freaking out (to put it colloquially) — at …

Michael Brenner – America’s Worst Laid Plans

The United States has been pursuing an audacious project to fashion a global system according to its specifications and under its tutelage since the Cold War’s end. For a quarter of a century, the paramount goal of all its foreign relations has been the fostering of a system whose architectural design features the following: –a neo-liberal economic order wherein markets …

Michael Sainato – Corruption Is Catching Up to the Clintons and Their Associates

Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign chair, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, is currently under investigation by the FBI and Department of Justice over questionable contributions to his 2013 campaign. According to a recent CNN report, the investigation—which has been going on for at least a year—calls into question Mr. McAuliffe’s service as a board member to the Clinton Global Initiative, a subsidiary of the Clinton …