The Gary Null Show – 05.25.16

On “The Gary Null Show” today, these great topics are covered and Gary talks to a great guest, Charles Glass. Listen and read please.

Primary prevention of colorectal cancer

Exercise: Future anticancer therapy?

Poverty marks a gene, predicting depression

Bright light during meals affects metabolism, lowers effect of insulin

Gary takes a quick music break for this jam: Teddy Pendergrass – I Don’t Love You Anymore

What happens when water for 30 million people disappears?

Gary then goes to his wonderful guest Charles Glass. Here is his bio:

Charles Glass is an American-British journalist and broadcaster who is highly respected internationally for his investigative reporting from the Middle East. For a decade starting in 1983, he was ABC’s chief Middle East correspondent and worked with CNN and ABC as well. His articles appear in the Guardian, Time, The Telegraph, Harpers Newsweek and other publications. in 1987, while reporting from Lebanon Charles was kidnapped and held hostage by Shi’a militants for over 2 months. He broke the story of Saddam Hussain possessing biological weapons a year later. His covert reporting in East Timor in 1992 resulted in the US Senate suspending military aid to Indonesia. And he has reported from Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq on many occasions. Charles is the author of seven books, his most recent being a very concise history and background into the Syrian crisis entitled “Syria Burning: A Short History of a Catastrophe.” His website is

VIDEO: We asked Edward Snowden if online privacy has improved since his massive NSA leak

Edward Snowden calls ‘bullshit’ on FBI’s claim that it can’t unlock iPhone

VIDEO: Robert Reich: Why “Right to Work” is Wrong for Workers – Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich explains the truth behind so-called “Right to Work” laws and how they hurt working families.

Gary takes calls about people who try to give the American people information the Government doesn’t want you to know.

Ellen Brown – “Print the Money”: Trump’s “Reckless” Proposal Echoes Franklin and Lincoln

“Reckless,” “alarming,” “disastrous,” “swashbuckling,” “playing with fire,” “crazy talk,” “lost in a forest of nonsense”: these are a few of the labels applied by media commentators to Donald Trump’s latest proposal for dealing with the federal debt. On Monday, May 9th, the presumptive Republican presidential candidate said on CNN, “You print the money.” The remark was in response to a firestorm created …

BEN NORTON – Top 2 hedge fund managers bankroll Hillary Clinton and Rahm Emanuel, after making $1.7 billion each in 2015

James Simons and Kenneth Griffin were the world’s top two hedge fund managers in 2015. Each made $1.7 billion last year alone, and have used their massive wealth to bankroll the campaigns of Hillary Clinton and Rahm Emanuel, the Guardian reported. Simons is the 50th richest person in the world, according to Forbes. The mathematician has made an estimated $15.5 billion …

April M. Short – The Creepy Way Processed Food Packaging Messes With Your Hormones

As if it weren’t already enough of a headache to find non-toxic, safe and healthy food to eat, a recent study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspective[3] reveals that the packaging used to contain certain food products can impact your hormones. Researchers for the study found that people who eat more fast food have significantly increased rates of phthalates—industrial chemicals used …

Marjorie Cohn – Sanders and Clinton: Palestinian Defender vs. Israel Apologist

An amazing thing happened at the prime-time Democratic debate in Brooklyn on Thursday. A few days ahead of Tuesday’s delegate-rich New York primary, presidential candidate Bernie Sanders dared to criticize Israel. Rival Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, stood firm as an uncritical apologist for Israel. CNN’s Wolf Blitzer asked Sanders to explain his assertion that Israel’s actions during the 2014 Israel-Gaza …

U.S. and Saudis Causing Hundreds of Thousands of Children to Starve to Death In Yemen

The United States is a major backer and supporter of the Saudi-led war against Yemen.  The U.S. supplies the weapons, and provides most of the targeting and military tactics.  See this, this, this, this,this and this.  (And see this for background on the Yemen war.) The Saudi and American military are committing war crimes left and right … For example, a report from the United Nations Children’s Fund notes: Read More

Henry A. Giroux – Radical Politics in the Age of American Authoritarianism: Connecting the Dots

The United States stands at the endpoint of a long series of attacks on democracy, and the choices faced by many in the US today point to the divide between those who are and those who are not willing to commit to democracy. Debates over whether Donald Trump is a fascist are a tactical diversion because the real issue is …

Leid Stories – Election 2016’s Most Outstanding Feature: The Rise of the Kakistocrats – 03.30.16

No matter how things turn out, Election 2016 will be remembered as a defining moment in U.S. history. For, this is the year of The Kakistocrats. Leid Stories discusses the imminent reality of government by the worst. Watch the clip Utrice played on air today inside the link.

Paul Craig Roberts – Democracy Struggles To Recover From Betrayal

It is like Margaret Mead said, “a small number of committed people can change the world.” With much help from the failures of neoliberal economic policy and neoconservative foreign policy, we are changing the world. Look at Bernie Sanders’ inroads on the corrupt Clintons’ control of the Democratic Party. Look at how easily Donald Trump defeated the Republican establishment’s candidates. …