Cody Charles – Ten Counterproductive Behaviors of Well-Intentioned People

This is a follow-up to my previous piece entitled Ten Counterproductive Behaviors of Social Justice Educators. The latter was written for folks who consider equity work as their core life purpose. I wrote Ten Counterproductive Behaviors of Well-Intentioned People for the folks who consider themselves good people invested in social justice and conversations around equity, but who may show up in the ally …

Laurie Penny – Why the rest of the world should get a vote in the greatest reality TV show on Earth – the US election

I’ve been watching so closely, I am now able to tell Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio apart almost 50 per cent of the time, though it’s still like watching the Chuckle Brothers trying to lead a fascist rally. We’re only halfway through, and I’m already sick of the US presidential race. As reality television goes, it’s a hackneyed format. The narrative …

Josh Voorhees – Why Hillary Clinton Won’t Release Her Goldman Sachs Transcripts

Pressed during Thursday’s Democratic debate, Hillary Clinton said that she would “certainly look into” releasing the transcripts of the paid speeches she gave in private to Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street institutions. By Sunday, her promised careful consideration was apparently complete. “Let everybody who’s ever given a speech to any private group under any circumstances release them—we’ll all release …

Chris Arnade – I worked on Wall Street. I am skeptical Hillary Clinton will rein it in

owe almost my entire Wall Street career to the Clintons. I am not alone; most bankers owe their careers, and their wealth, to them. Over the last 25 years they – with the Clintons it is never just Bill or Hillary – implemented policies that placed Wall Street at the center of the Democratic economic agenda, turning it from a …

Lee Fang – Top Hillary Clinton Advisers and Fundraisers Lobbied Against Obamacare

Hillary Clinton is campaigning as a guardian of President Barack Obama’sprogressive policy accomplishments. In recent weeks, she has called the Affordable Care Act “one of the greatest accomplishments of President Obama, of the Democratic Party, and of our country,” and promised that she is “going to defend Dodd-Frank” and “defend President Obama for taking on Wall Street.” Meanwhile, however, Clinton’s campaign has been relying on a team of strategists and …

ELIZA A. WEBB – Hillary Clinton’s Populist Charade

At the 5th Democratic debate Thursday night, Hillary Clinton repeatedly attempted to cloak herself in the cape of a populist hero, claiming she has stood up, time and time again, for those Americans “left behind and left out.” In her own words: “[I’ve got a] record of having fought for racial justice, having fought for kids rights, having fought the …

No ‘Artful Smear.’ Clintons Paid $153 Million in Speaking Fees, Analysis Shows

There has been a lot of talk in recent weeks about the speaking fees paid to presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and an analysis published Saturday sheds some light on exactly how much Wall Street and other major corporate powers ponied up for the former Secretary of State and her husband, President Bill Clinton. $153 million, CNN concludes, is the amount the power …

SCOTT MCLARTY – Political Revolution and the Third-Party Imperative

“You’ve had your fun with Bernie. Now it’s time to get serious and support Hillary.” That’s the harangue Bernie Sanders’ supporters have been hearing from mainstream Democratic Party leaders and their apologists in the media. It’s bound to intensify in the wake of the virtual tie in the Iowa caucuses on February 1 and his projected win in the New …

Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 02.04.16


We are concerned about the reported outcome of the Iowa caucuses and what that might mean for the general election. With the great GREG PALAST and BOB FITRAKIS, and with READER SUPPORTED NEWS reporter SCOTT GALINDEZ we explore what really happened with the vote count there.

We also ask the $64 trillion question: CAN BERNIE WIN IN A “STRIP & FLIP” ELECTRONIC SELECTION?

We look the impact of stripping the voter rolls and flipping the vote count from the 2000 and 2004 presidential thefts for George W. Bush, and see what the implications might be for 2016. It’s not a pretty picture.

Key Issue Ignored by Presidential Candidates: Food

“Why don’t candidates talk about food?” That’s a question asked by the Des Moines Register‘s editorial board this weekend, who also pointed out that the “first-in-the nation caucuses are held in one of the world’s great agricultural centers.” It should be a major issue for presidential candidates, the Register says, because What we eat and how it’s produced are not jokes. These questions involve many …