Black Agenda Radio – 05.08.17

This is Black Agenda Radio, a weekly hour of African American political thought and action. A judge has ordered Harris County Texas, which includes the city of Houston, to stop keeping low level offenders in jail because they are unable to pay bail. The case was brought by the Washington-based Civil Rights Corp. Executive director Alec Karakatsanis says his firm …

The Conspiracy Guy – 04.26.17

The Conspiracy Guy #21: Further revelations from SHATTERED reveal that the “Russian hacking” meme was contrived by Robbie Mook and John Podesta within 24 hours of Hillary’s concession speech and that she wanted the press to report that she lost because of the FBI (James Comey), the KGB (the old name for the Russian Secret Police) and the KKK (Trump’s white nationalist supporters) to …

What Women Must Know – The Autism, ADHD, EMF Connection with Peter Sullivan – 04.20.17

Peter Sullivan is the founder and CEO of Clear Light Ventures, Inc., as well as an environmental health funder who focuses on toxins and wireless safety. He has spent the last 15 years successfully recovering his two sons from autism and sensory issues. Peter’s work on detoxification and EMF have been featured in the book Toxin Toxout: Getting Harmful Chemicals …

Leid Stories—Dems’ ‘Come Together and Fight Back’ Tour Features Bernie Sanders in Interesting Role—04.19.17

Recently elected Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez and Bernie Sanders, the Independent senator and former presidential candidate from Vermont, with great, campaign-style fanfare yesterday launched a series of rallies aimed at shoring up the Democratic Party’s political fortunes, building grassroots support for a wide-ranging progressive agenda, and resisting the policies of President Donald Trump and his administration.

NEW SHOW ALERT: The Conspiracy Guy – 03.22.17

The Conspiracy Guy #17: The House Intelligence Hearings on Russian involvement in the 2016 election are a complete and total farce. When you break down the three elements of the alleged events, they are (1) claims the Russian affected the actual vote; (2) claims the Russians hacked the DNC; and (3) claims a “dossier” proves Trump was compromised and the Russians had proof. Director Comey and NSA Admiral Rogers denied (1) immediately. We know that (3) was “fan fiction” by a 4 Chan chat board member, which Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe told Reince Priebus on 15 February were “bullshit”, which was confirmed by former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper in a call to President Trump. That leaves (2), but we know the chain of custody of the DNC’s emails went from Seth Rich, their IT guy, who was disillusioned by the sabotaging of Bernie Sanders campaign, to Craig Murray, a friend of Julian Assange. to Julian for publication. Both have affirmed the know the identity of the leader and he was not Russian. The DNC, embarrassed by the revelations, needed a cover story, which led them to make up the “Russian hacking meme”. Proof it was contrived–a work of complete fiction–follows from the DNC’s refusal to allow the FBI access to the servers the were allegedly hacked, which would have provided no evidence, because they were not hacked. More information is coming about that substantiates Trump’s claim to have been spied upon by Obama–and it is not going to make those who have been promoting the phony “Russian hacking” theory look good.

The Torch – 03.19.17

Jeff Ruch is Executive Director of Public Employees for Environmental
Responsibility – PEER. Prior to that Jeff was the Policy Director and
a staff attorney at the Government Accountability Project representing
whistleblowers from both the public and private sector. PEER advocated
against the political manipulation science, defending whistleblowers,
protecting public health and shielding scientists from interference in
the public sector.
Ruthie Epstein is deputy advocacy director at the New York Civil
Liberties Union. She lobbied for reforms to the criminal justice and
immigration systems, as well as coordinating the organization’s
response to the 2014 Central American refugee crisis at the southern
border. From 2005 to 2013, she worked at Human Rights First in New
York City, advocating for protections in the U.S. refugee and asylum