Rosanne Lindsay – How The CDC And Vaccine Court Create An Epidemic Of Autism

There are three courts in the land: the court of justice (Judicial branch of government), the court of public opinion (i.e., news media), and the Vaccine Court.  The first two courts are public. The third is private. Because the Vaccine Court is hidden out of sight, most people never learn of its existence. Why Hide a Court Unless You Have Something To …

Bill McKibben – How to Save the Planet From President Trump

We’re going to be dealing with an onslaught of daily emergencies during the Trump years. Already it’s begun — if there’s nothing going on (or in some cases when there is), our leader often begins the day with a tweet to stir the pot, and suddenly we’re debating whether burning the flag should lose you your citizenship. These crises will …

Calvin Sloan – Fossil Fuel Industry Has Known Since 1967 That Injection Wells Cause Earthquakes, Despite Denials

On August 9, 1967, a 5.5 magnitude earthquake struck Northglenn, a northern suburb of Denver, Colorado. The Associated Press wrote that it was “the severest earthquake ever recorded” in the city’s history. Building foundations cracked, windows broke, bricks flew off of downtown rooftops. A year later in the prominent academic journal “Science,” geophysicist J.H. Healy and his associates proposed that …

Looking into the Eyes of Central American Refugees in a Time of Hate and Fear

When I crossed the border, a man with his shirt unbuttoned down to his belly and sweat pouring down his chest took my passport, glanced at it for no more than two seconds, then stamped it with a smile and cheerily barked to me “welcome to Mexico.” My entry into Mexico couldn’t have been easier, because I’m from Australia and …

Jesse Eisinger and Justin Elliott – These Professors Make More Than a Thousand Bucks an Hour Peddling Mega-Mergers

IF THE GOVERNMENT ENDS UP approving the $85 billion AT&T-Time Warner merger, credit won’t necessarily belong to the executives, bankers, lawyers, and lobbyists pushing for the deal. More likely, it will be due to the professors. A serial acquirer, AT&T must persuade the government to allow every major deal. Again and again, the company has relied on economists from America’s …

ANDREW O’HEHIR – It can happen here: But has it? The 1933 scenario is no longer hypothetical

We have crossed the river of history into a new country, and there’s no way back. Now we are stumbling around, amid the gathering darkness, and trying to figure out whether anything in this alien landscape is recognizable. Will the presidency of Donald Trump — an eventuality unforeseen by anyone, including Trump himself — resemble things that have happened before? …


Thimerosal – A Serious Reason to Avoid the Flu Vaccine Gary Null Progressive Radio Network,  All across America, millions of people are being vaccinated against the flu. They are being vaccinated under the good faith that what they are being told repeatedly about the efficacy and safety of the annual flu shot for everyone over the age of six months …

Nadia Prupis – Fearing Trump, Calls Grow for ‘Sanctuary Campuses’ for Undocumented Students

Students and professors across the country are calling for their schools to become “sanctuary campuses” for undocumented immigrants, in a creative form of resistance to the xenophobic policies of the incoming Trump administration. Inside Higher Ed reports that thousands of people have signed petitions urging their campuses to protect undocumented students, who will likely be at increased risk of deportation …

Steven Rosenfeld – Something Stinks When Exit Polls and Official Counts Don’t Match

Steven Rosenfeld: Let’s start by telling people about your involvement with election integrity and tracking exit polls. Jonathan Simon: I’ve been working in this field which we call election forensics for about 15 years, since the 2000 election. Certainly things kicked in with the 2004 election and the exit polls there. I was actually the person who downloaded the exit …