The Ring of Fire started as a weekly syndicated radio show in 2004 for the purpose of exposing Wall Street thugs, environmental criminality, corporate media failure, and political back stories that you will rarely find from any other source. Since its formation, Ring of Fire has expanded into a multi-media outlet for the latest Progressive news, commentary and analysis. Mike …
The Gary Null Show – 08.16.16
Today on The Gary Null Show. Gary goes into some important social commentaries by the great critical thinkers Chris Hedges, Glen Ford and Edward Curtin. Later in the program Gary goes into an important audio clip that reveals the one way Hilary Clinton can be stopped. To start off the show Gary gives you the best information in Health and the environment.
The Gary Null Show – 07.26.16
On “The Gary Null Show” Gary does a quick but excellent health and healing segment and then reads an original article from himself and our great staff members, Richard Gale and Jeremy Stillman. Liasten and read and enjoy.
The Gary Null Show – 08.25.15
Guest #1 – Gerald Celente is one of today’s pioneers in trend strategy. He founded the Trends Research Institute in Kingston NY and is the publisher of the Trends Journal that has been published since 1980. He has since become one of the nation’s most sought after diagnosticians and forecasters He is also the founder of Trends TV, which provides monthly videos and analysis of current events and their likely direction and outcome. His institute also hosts frequent peace, prosperity and trends conferences. Gerald’s insights have been sought for by major networks, PBS and BBC, Russian TV, and publications such as the Economist and major newspapers. Gerald will also be launching the Occupy Peace initiative in Kingston NY this September – more on that later. His website is
Guest #2 – M Jackson is an environmental educator and two time Fulbright Scholar currently completing her doctorate in earth sciences at the University of Oregon where she is specializing in glaciers, the Arctic and climate change. She has been a National Geographic Expert in its Student Expeditions Program and has received over 20 national awards for her academic and creative endeavors. M is the author of a recent book being widely recognized within the climate change community – “While Glaciers Slept: Being Human in a Time of Climate Change” – which interweaves the personal loss of life with the loss of an inhabitable planet and how awakening to the grieving process to demise can lead us to positive solutions to face the challenges ahead. More information can be found about M at Green Writer Press website
Bill Gates is celebrated in the media for the same pandemic warnings that get other people labeled ‘kooks’ by J. D. Heyes
What does the world’s richest man fear most? Something that, were someone in the alternative media to utter it, would invite ridicule and disdain. Yet few in the mainstream media bat an eye or bother to raise doubts when Microsoft founder Bill Gates says his biggest fear is a global pandemic that could swallow nations and kill tens of millions …