Scott C. Tips – The Passage of the DARK Act Shows the Arrogance of Our Politicians

On July 23, 2015, the United States House of Representatives voted upon and passed (by a 275-150 majority) H.R. 1599, the so-called “Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2015,” otherwise known as the DARK Act.  The DARK Act is a more accurate description of the bill – which must now be taken up by the Senate – as the …

Fracking Town’s Desperate Laid-off Workers: ‘They Don’t Tell You It’s All a Lie’

From the looks of it, the nation’s boomtown is still booming. Big rigs, cement mixers and oil tankers still clog streets built for lighter loads. The air still smells like diesel fuel and looks like a dust bowl— all that traffic — and natural gas flares, wasted byproducts of the oil wells, still glare out at the night sky like …