Andre Vltchek – Ignorance And Indoctrination Of Westerners Kills Millions

Our Planet Earth is heading straight towards the most dangerous collision in its history. It is not a collision with some foreign body, with an asteroid or a comet, but with the most brutal and selfish chunk of its own inhabitants: with people who proudly call themselves “members of the Western civilization.” Again and again it is clearly demonstrated that …

Christy Rodgers – The Browning of the World: Blame the Greed of the Rich

There are a lot of seemingly disparate things happening at various levels of scale in the world outside my window these days. But there is one color that describes them more than any other. My world is browning. As deserts grow and forests shrink, as smog, soot and dust clouds fill the skies horizon to horizon, as average heat levels …

How Toxic Are the Food Colorings in What You Eat?

Nestle announced [3] last week that it plans to remove all artificial colors and flavors from its candy bars. The company said it was doing so in response to consumer preferences, not because there was anything dangerous about the artificial products it was using. Nestle isn’t the only company making the switch. Hershey’s is beginning its journey [4] in this direction as well. Luke J.W. Haffenden, the …