Global Alert News – 03.21.18

Will the climate engineering terrorists hammer the US east coast with a 4th engineered winter weather event in a row? The 4th such event in just over 2 weeks? We are now being told that a new pathogen, “disease X”, may soon decimate global populations. Will the global power brokers soon choose to unleash all out biological warfare against populations? …


When NYC entrepreneur Jacqueline Wolfson was on the cusp of a milestone birthday she packed her bags and jetted off to Africa to clear her mind and relax, though what she experienced in Africa lead her to develop The Shule Foundation (  Dedicated to educating children and providing hope and opportunity through the organizations program, The Shule Foundation has taken invisible kids …

George Monbiot – Disposable Planet

he world’s largest land animal, the biggest fish, the bird with the greatest wingspan, the largest primate: all are sliding towards extinction at astounding speed. If we will not protect such magnificent species, what are we prepared to do? In just seven years, 30% of Africa’s savannah elephants have been wiped out. The other African sub-species, the forest elephant, has crashed by …

Robin Hood in Reverse: Climate Change Takes from Poor, Gives to Rich

A warming climate is exacerbating global inequality by pushing critical natural resources, such as fish stocks, away from impoverished equatorial regions and making them more exploitable by the wealthy, according to astudy released on Wednesday. While the gap between the rich and poor in the U.S. and worldwide has expanded at a mind-boggling pace in recent decades, the new study, designed by scientists at Princeton, …

Why white, older men are more likely to die of suicide

In the United States, older men of European descent (so-called white men) have significantly higher suicide rates than any other demographic group. For example, their suicide rates are significantly higher than those of older men of African, Latino or Indigenous descent, as well as relative to older women across ethnicities. Behind these facts there is a cultural story, not just …

Lauren McCauley – Newly Exposed Methane Threat Trumps Latest ‘False Solution’ on Emissions

Environmental groups are raising flags over what they say is another “false solution” as the Obama administration on Tuesday put forth its new proposed methane emissions rules. Meanwhile, a new study revealed that those very emissions are in fact “substantially higher” than official estimates, adding to the growing body of evidence showing that the proliferation of natural gas—even if “capped”—will …

The Beneficial Effects Of Animals On Children With Autism – Hal Herzog

A couple of years ago I asked Temple Grandin if people with autism have a special ability to relate to animals. She is, of course, widely known for both her research on farm animal behavior and welfare and for her books on autism. She believes her autism gives her an unusual ability to think like, for example, a cow being herded down a chute …

Super El Nino Likely as Huge Warm Water Wave Hits West Coast, Extreme Marine Die Off Developing

In early March, the strongest wave of tropical convection ever measured (known as the Madden Julian Oscillation) by modern meteorology moved into the western Pacific from Indonesian waters bringing an outbreak of 3 tropical cyclones, including deadly category 5 Pam which ravaged the south Pacific islands of Vanuatu. This extreme outburst of tropical storms and organized thunderstorms pulled strong westerly winds across …