Freedom is speaking your mind. And speaking your mind is what “Free Your Mind Friday” on Leid Stories is all about.
Gareth Porter – Behind the real US strategic blunder in Syria
President Barack Obama has long been under fire from the US national security elite and the media for failing to intervene aggressively against the Assad regime. But the real strategic blunder was not that Barack Obama didn’t launch yet another war in Syria, but that he decided to go along with the ambitions of America’s Sunni allies to create and …
Mary Wilder – Obama leaves Trump a broken economy that’s $20 trillion in debt, 95 million out of work
In an attempt to protect the “sacred” reputation of their hero, President Barack Obama, the Regressive Left has started lying about virtually everything. All of his failures are deemed as successes. All of his controversies are ignored as if they never existed in the first place. It’s a dangerous standard they have set, but it isn’t all that surprising. Now …
Leid Stories—It’s ‘Free Your Mind Friday’ and Listeners Have Their Say!—08.26.16
Welcome to the best group-therapy session ever. It’s “Free Your Mind Friday” on Leid Stories, and it’s all about what YOU think about topics we’ve discussed on the program, current events and news issues, or anything that warrants further discussion and debate. We talk things through at the end of the week so we could make it to next week. …
The Gary Null Show – 02.05.16
Dr. Michael Hudson is one of our nation’s important economists and Wall Street financial analysts. Dr. Paul Craig Robert’s recently called him “the world’s best economist.” He is currently the President of The Institution for the Study of Long-Term Economic Trends and was the Chief Economic Policy Advisor for the Rep. Dennis Kucinich’s 2008 presidential campaign. Dr. Hudson has served as an advisor to the White House, State and Defense departments at the Hudson Institute, in addition to the United Nations Institute where he became a specialist in global economics. He has written several books and many important papers and articles, the latest being “Killing the Host: How Financial Parasites and Debt Bondage Destroy the Global Economy” which goes into great depth in explaining how the polarization of the 1% versus 99% emerged. His website is
Dr. Robert Gallon has been a practicing psychologist for over four decades and specializes in medical psychology. He received his doctorate in Biological Psychology from CUNY and taught at Vassar College and later at Thomas Jefferson University Medical School, while practicing at the university’s Psychosomatic Medicine Clinic. Dr Gallon has served as the chief psychologist at Eastern Maine Medical Center where he founded its Chronic Pain Program and serves as an examiner for the State Forensic service to evaluate defendants’ competency to stand trial. During his career he has evaluated approximately five thousand people. Robert also performs as the tuba player in the Bangor Symphony Orchestra. He is the author of a couple books, the most recent being “Nine Dimensions of Madness: Redefining Mental Health”, which comprehensively debunks the myth that mental disorders are medical diseases and offers an ecological alternative model.
Pam Martens – Exclusive Federal Reserve Videos and the Glass-Steagall Media Conspiracy
A funny thing happened in 2012 after Andrew Ross Sorkin, a financial writer at the New York Times, wrote his spectacularly false narrative telling readers that the repeal of Glass-Steagall Act had nothing to do with the crash because problem firms like Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch and AIG didn’t own insured commercial banks — which would have been prohibited under …
The White House Correspondents Dinner was Oozing with Hypocrisy – Carey Wedler
Washington, D.C. — Every year, the White House holds a White House Correspondents Dinner. It invites the press and a broad sampling of celebrities to enjoy a glamorous, black-tie party where the president performs a stand-up comedy routine. It is an opportunity for people to pretend that the American head of state is not guilty of a wide variety of high-level …