Leid Stories—After the Storms, Few Reasons to Be Calm—09.12.17

There’s big money blowing in behind the storms this hurricane season, and if history tells us anything, there won’t be much careful thought behind who’ll get it and how it will be spent. While no one’s looking too closely in the middle of several disasters, this is when a lot of shady deals are done. Leid Stories cautions that citizen …

Groups Add to Evidence in “Whistleblower” Tax Fraud Claim Against ALEC

Common Cause and the Center for Media and Democracy sent federal authorities new evidence today that the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is falsely passing itself off as a tax-exempt charity and effectively using taxpayer dollars to subsidize its lobbying on behalf of private interests. Common Cause filed a supplement to its three-year-old tax whistleblower complaint against ALEC, and the two groups …