Mark Esposito and Terence Tse – Our Prosperity Is in Peril Unless We Shift From a Wasteful World to a “Circular Economy”

The prosperity that we are enjoying today could largely be attributed to the industrial revolution of the 18th and early 19th centuries. Yet this enhancement of our standard of living has come at a steep price: the creation of the so-called linear economy. In other words, we have a “take, make and dispose” economy. We take natural resources, make things …

Bob Flanagan – “Jesus Was Black”, Reveal Newly Found Manuscript

A team of archeologists from the University of Tel Aviv have uncovered a collection of ancient scrolls in the West Bank region, near the Qumran Caves, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were originally uncovered in 1947, and which promise to shed a new light on the life and physical appearance of Jesus Christ. The newly found documents which are believed …