Visionaries – 03.12.17

Bob Walter, Director of the Joseph Campbell Foundation. Campbell is one of the seminal sources of the contemporary psyche, but few have read his books. Who was Joseph Campbell? How did he become the source for much of today’s cinema? What are his key works, and how might one begin to delve into his ideas? Bob Walter, Campbell’s last editor …

IMF’s Lagarde Slams Globalization, Warns Of A “Groundswell Of Discontent”

Two months after consultancy giant McKinsey dramatically flip-flopped on its long held position of praising globalization, cautioning that – as Britain’s vote to exit the European Union exemplified what happens when people feel like the system is letting them down – the system is on the verge of “explosion”, comparing the buildup of resentment over globalization to a dangerous natural gas leak in …

CONN HALLINAN – Dangerous Seas: China and the USA

A combination of recent events underpinned by long-running historical strains reaching back more than 60 years has turned the western Pacific into one of the most hazardous spots on the globe. The tension between China and the U.S. “is one of the most striking and dangerous themes in international politics,” says The Financial Times’longtime commentator and China hand, Gideon Rachman. In just …

Stephen Lendman – Israeli Intelligence Debunks Notion of Russia Hacking DNC Emails

No evidence links Russia to hacking DNC emails. Accusations suggesting otherwise are baseless – the latest bashing episode, for geopolitical purposes, shifting attention from Hillary’s disturbing record, and electoral rigging of the primaries.  Israeli military intelligence/Mossad connected DEBKAfile said  “an analysis by (its) intelligence and cyber defense sources has determined that” DNC emails hacking “almost certainly (was) not carried out by (Russia’s …

Tony Cartalucci – Hong Kong Gets New US-backed Party

Hong Kong saw the formation of a new “political party,” headed by 19 year-old student Joshua Wong – a young man with no experience and no explanation as to who is funding him or backing him politically. The party, called “Demosisto,” was described by the BBC in their article, “Hong Kong student leader Joshua Wong forms political party,” as demanding …

PEMA CHÖDRÖN – 5 Reasons to Meditate

Yes, it’s a strange thing to do — just sit there and do basically nothing. Yet the simple act of stopping, says Pema Chödrön, is the best way to cultivate our good qualities. Here are five ways it makes us better people. The mind is very wild. The human experience is full of unpredictability and paradox, joys and sorrows, successes …

A Critique of the U.S. “Grand Strategy toward China” By Prof. James Petras

“We will have a very strong (military) presence, very strong continued posture throughout the region to back our commitments to our allies, to protect and work with our partners and to continue ensuring peace and stability in the region, as well as back our diplomacy vis-à-vis China on the South China Sea”. -David Shear, US Department of Defense’s Assistant Secretary for …

China Establishes World’s Largest Physical Gold Fund – Tyler Durden

While many eagerly await the day when China will finally reveal its latest official gold holdings, a number which when made public will be orders of magnitude higher than its last 2009 disclosure of just over 1,000 tons, or less even than Russia, China continues to plough ahead with agreements and arrangements to obtain even more gold in the coming years. Exhibit A: …

Threat of ‘Inevitable’ War Looms Between US and China Over Pacific Island Row – Lauren McCauley

Tensions between China and United States continue to rise over the South China Sea as a Chinese government newspaper warns that war may be ‘inevitable’ if the U.S. and its allies do not back off from the heavily disputed territory. Last week, the Chinese government condemned the actions of the U.S. military after the P8-A Poseidon, the US’ most advanced …

3 Reasons to Be Optimistic About the Fight to Save the Climate

“Just plain immoral.” That’s how Secretary of State John Kerry recently described those who stand idly by while the world burns—or, worse, obstruct those trying to douse the fire. He didn’t name names, but Kerry was clearly referring to Republicans who lockstep refuse to acknowledge climate science, even as California enters the fourth year of a historic drought and the …