Lindsay Sheehan – 20 Plants To Grow In Your Moonlight Garden

Often, gardens are planned with only the daytime in mind. Under the light of the sun, many plants show off their rich colors, gorgeous textures, and stunning shapes. A world in miniature, this is typically the time of day when the garden is abuzz with activity – the birds are singing, the bees are darting from flower to flower, the …

Jill Richardson – A Healthy Way to Build Communities

Mark Winne, an author and anti-hunger activist, often says that the most important word in “community garden” isn’t “garden.” I saw this firsthand not long ago. Standing in the sun between several small garden plots all morning, it may not have looked like much was going on. A few people stood in a circle, chatting. Occasionally, one would leave, or …

Let’s Create A Better World – 10.03.15

Discussing how we can help others learn more and become more technically savvy in today’s day and age with online communication. New ideas and new strategies for building your online capabilities and internet savviness to becoming more in-tune with internet communication.

Alexi Drouin, an online internet specialist of Quantam University, discusses with Host Bobby Elias and co-host Stefan Rudolph the benefits of online communication that we have these days to further our education on Health & Wellness. Through online summits, university and education opportunities, we discuss the benefits of communicating through the internet and how we can help others learn more and become more technically savvy in today’s day and age with online communication.