On today’s program, Vince speaks with Charles Derber, who is a professor of sociology at Boston College. Derber is a prolific writer. Derber’s work falls into three major categories. One is a critique of individualism and American culture. In 2000, Oxford University Press printed a 20th year commemorative edition of ‘The Pursuit of Attention’, marking its status as a classic …
Leid Stories—The Clinton Global Initiative, Under Heavy Fire, Prepares for Shutdown—Though, More Likely, A Shift—09.15.16
The Clinton Global Initiative, the jewel in the crown of The Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation described as an incubator of ideas for tackling major issues and problems all over the world, officially will shut down after its last annual meeting (Sept. 19-21) in Manhattan.
Leid Stories—More Probes, More Evidence of Wrongdoing, But the Clintons’ Eyes Are On the White House—09.06.16
Sixty-two days before the general election and Hillary Clinton seems convinced that her only problem is beating Donald Trump to the presidency and claiming her “rightful” place in history. Yet she’s at the very center of a political and legal maelstrom that not only has signaled very rough road ahead for her, but in the home stretch has begun to unleash its ambition-blocking power.
How to Grow You Own Salad Sprouts – Shannon Stonger
After decades of poor results through the industrialized food system, it seems we are hearing about a homegrown revolution more and more. Indeed, growing one’s own food is a certain means of knowing exactly what is going into the many plants and animal products that go on the table. But there are many challenges that don’t make this simple task …