“Updates on Maggie’s Farm, John Lewis coop in UK, Trudeau on Castro, economics of immigration, Deutschland Bank and Trump, fake arguments to cut corp tax rates. Major interview with David Barsamian of alternative radio.org.”
Phillip Inman – Why is UK’s productivity still behind that of other major economies?
Extra funds for new roads, research and development and skills training will drive up UK productivity and put the economy in a better position to withstand the looming Brexit shock. That was the central message in Philip Hammond’s autumn statement and went to the heart of a debate about the UK’s low productivity growth, which according to official figures, has …
Resistance Radio – Suprabha Seshan – 10.11.15
Suprabha Seshan has lived and worked for twenty-two years at the Gurukula Botanical Sanctuary in the Western Ghat mountains of India. The Sanctuary is a centre for plant conservation, habitat restoration and environmental education and also a community. In 2006, on behalf of the Sanctuary she won the Whitley Award, UK’s top prize for nature conservation. She is an Ashoka Fellow. Her current focus is the restoration of one of India’s most endangered ecosystems: the high elevation shola grasslands.