Findings from Hoseo University Provides New Data about Arthritis (Efficacy of Turmeric Extracts and Curcumin for Alleviating the Symptoms of Joint Arthritis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials) By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Clinical Trials Week — Investigators publish new report on Musculoskeletal Diseases and Conditions – Arthritis. According to news reporting originating in Asan, …
PAUL STREET – The World War to Save Livable Ecology
Why Climate Change Trumps Nuclear War One of many disturbing moments in the first “presidential” “debate” between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump one week ago at Hofstra University came when the latter contender proclaimed dismissively that nuclear war, “not climate change,” posed the greatest threat to humanity today. His comment elicited no response from Mrs. Clinton or the debate moderator. There were …
Ian Fairlie – Radiation and Cancer: Risks of Leukemia in Nuclear Workers More Than Double Previous Estimate
In 2013, I discussed several epidemiological studies providing good evidence of radiogenic risks at very low exposure levels. A powerful new study has been published in Lancet Haematology [1] which adds to this evidence. However the study’s findings are more important than the previous studies, for several reasons. First, it provides “strong evidence”, as stated by the authors, of a …
Warrior Connection – 08.16.15
Warrior Connection continued our discussion on PTSD and ways to resolve it… we discussed the new ptsd brochure developed to provide guidance..and suggestions observations in Ray / LM Clark’s book : “THE NEVERENDING WAR”. WWW.LAURAS-CAKES.COM. Our key points are: to take control of your life, get help, choose good friends, complete school, don’t let the past rule your future, use your knowledge and experience to help others, stay involved in good activities, sit down and relax if a crisis develops. Make the conscious choice not the drink and not to use illegal drugs etc. PTSD might have created a wall but that wall can be breached to allow all to lead a very successful life.
Organic Food Reduces Toxins – Maylin Rodriguez-Paez
Organic food can be expensive. With living expenses through the roof, few people want to pay double or triple for their favorite foods. As a result, many health-conscious people eat organic selectively, focusing on specific foods. And according to a new study, these efforts appear to be worthwhile. Eating organically – even occasionally – can help reduce your toxic burden. The results …